第96章 The Adventure of the Abbey Grange(4)
But there are eight servants, and all of good character.""Other things being equal," said Holmes, "one would suspect the one at whose head the master threw a decanter.And yet that would involve treachery towards the mistress to whom this woman seems devoted.Well, well, the point is a minor one, and when you have Randall you will probably find no difficulty in securing his accomplice.The lady's story certainly seems to be corroborated, if it needed corroboration, by every detail which we see before us." He walked to the French window and threw it open."There are no signs here, but the ground is iron hard, and one would not expect them.I see that these candles on the mantelpiece have been lighted.""Yes; it was by their light and that of the lady's bedroom candle that the burglars saw their way about.""And what did they take?"
"Well, they did not take much -- only half-a-dozen articles of plate off the sideboard.Lady Brackenstall thinks that they were themselves so disturbed by the death of Sir Eustace that they did not ransack the house as they would otherwise have done.""No doubt that is true.And yet they drank some wine, I understand.""To steady their own nerves."
"Exactly.These three glasses upon the sideboard have been untouched, I suppose?""Yes; and the bottle stands as they left it.""Let us look at it.Halloa! halloa! what is this?"The three glasses were grouped together, all of them tinged with wine, and one of them containing some dregs of bees-wing.
The bottle stood near them, two-thirds full, and beside it lay a long, deeply-stained cork.Its appearance and the dust upon the bottle showed that it was no common vintage which the murderers had enjoyed.
A change had come over Holmes's manner.He had lost his listless expression, and again I saw an alert light of interest in his keen, deep-set eyes.He raised the cork and examined it minutely.
"How did they draw it?" he asked.
Hopkins pointed to a half-opened drawer.In it lay some table linen and a large cork-screw.
"Did Lady Brackenstall say that screw was used?""No; you remember that she was senseless at the moment when the bottle was opened.""Quite so.As a matter of fact that screw was NOT used.
This bottle was opened by a pocket-screw, probably contained in a knife, and not more than an inch and a half long.If you examine the top of the cork you will observe that the screw was driven in three times before the cork was extracted.It has never been transfixed.This long screw would have transfixed it and drawn it with a single pull.When you catch this fellow you will find that he has one of these multiplex knives in his possession.""Excellent!" said Hopkins.
"But these glasses do puzzle me, I confess.Lady Brackenstall actually SAW the three men drinking, did she not?""Yes; she was clear about that."
"Then there is an end of it.What more is to be said?
And yet you must admit that the three glasses are very remarkable, Hopkins.What, you see nothing remarkable!
Well, well, let it pass.Perhaps when a man has special knowledge and special powers like my own it rather encourages him to seek a complex explanation when a simpler one is at hand.
Of course, it must be a mere chance about the glasses.
Well, good morning, Hopkins.I don't see that I can be of any use to you, and you appear to have your case very clear.
You will let me know when Randall is arrested, and any further developments which may occur.I trust that I shall soon have to congratulate you upon a successful conclusion.Come, Watson, I fancy that we may employ ourselves more profitably at home."During our return journey I could see by Holmes's face that he was much puzzled by something which he had observed.
Every now and then, by an effort, he would throw off the impression and talk as if the matter were clear, but then his doubts would settle down upon him again, and his knitted brows and abstracted eyes would show that his thoughts had gone back once more to the great dining-room of the Abbey Grange in which this midnight tragedy had been enacted.At last, by a sudden impulse, just as our train was crawling out of a suburban station, he sprang on to the platform and pulled me out after him.
"Excuse me, my dear fellow," said he, as we watched the rear carriages of our train disappearing round a curve; "I am sorry to make you the victim of what may seem a mere whim, but on my life, Watson, I simply CAN'T leave that case in this condition.
Every instinct that I possess cries out against it.
It's wrong -- it's all wrong -- I'll swear that it's wrong.
And yet the lady's story was complete, the maid's corroboration was sufficient, the detail was fairly exact.What have I to put against that? Three wine-glasses, that is all.But if I had not taken things for granted, if I had examined everything with care which I would have shown had we approached the case DE NOVOand had no cut-and-dried story to warp my mind, would I not then have found something more definite to go upon? Of course I should.
Sit down on this bench, Watson, until a train for Chislehurst arrives, and allow me to lay the evidence before you, imploring you in the first instance to dismiss from your mind the idea that anything which the maid or her mistress may have said must necessarily be true.The lady's charming personality must not be permitted to warp our judgment.