第146章 A.D.32-37(12)
That same year Rome suffered from a terrible fire, and part of the circus near the Aventine hill was burnt, as well as the Aventine quarter itself.This calamity the emperor turned to his own glory by paying the values of the houses and blocks of tenements.A hundred million of sesterces was expended in this munificence, a boon all the more acceptable to the populace, as Tiberius was rather sparing in building at his private expense.He raised only two structures even at the public cost, the temple of Augustus and the stage of Pompey's theatre, and when these were completed, he did not dedicate them, either out of contempt for popularity or from his extreme age.Four commissioners, all husbands of the emperor's granddaughters- Cneius Domitius, Cassius Longinus, Marcus Vinicius, Rubellius Blandus- were appointed to assess the damage in each case, and Publius Petronius was added to their number on the nomination of the consuls.Various honours were devised and decreed to the emperor such as each man's ingenuity suggested.It is a question which of these he rejected or accepted, as the end of his life was so near.
For soon afterwards Tiberius's last consuls, Cneius Acerronius and Caius Pontius, entered on office, Macro's power being now excessive.
Every day the man cultivated more assiduously than ever the favour of Caius Caesar, which, indeed, he had never neglected, and after the death of Claudia, who had, as I have related, been married to Caius, he had prompted his wife Ennia to inveigle the young prince by a pretence of love, and to bind him by an engagement of marriage, and the lad, provided he could secure the throne, shrank from no conditions.For though he was of an excitable temper, he had thoroughly learnt the falsehoods of hypocrisy under the loving care of his grandfather.
This the emperor knew, and he therefore hesitated about bequeathing the empire, first, between his grandsons.Of these, the son of Drusus was nearest in blood and natural affection, but he was still in his childhood.Germanicus's son was in the vigour of youth and enjoyed the people's favour, a reason for having his grandfather's hatred.Tiberius had even thought of Claudius, as he was of sedate age and had a taste for liberal culture, but a weak intellect was against him.If however he were to seek a successor outside of his house, he feared that the memory of Augustus and the name of the Caesars would become a laughing-stock and a scorn.It was, in fact, not so much popularity in the present for which he cared as for glory in the future.
Perplexed in mind, exhausted in body, he soon left to destiny a question to which he was unequal, though he threw out some hints from which it might be inferred that he foresaw what was to come.He taunted Macro, in no obscure terms, with forsaking the setting and looking to the rising sun.Once too when Caius Caesar in a casual conversation ridiculed Lucius Sulla, he predicted to him that he would have all Sulla's vices and none of his virtues.At the same moment he embraced the younger of his two grandsons with a flood of tears, and, noting the savage face of the other, said, "You will slay this boy, and will be yourself slain by another." But even while his strength was fast failing he gave up none of his debaucheries.In his sufferings he would simulate health, and was wont to jest at the arts of the physician and at all who, after the age of thirty, require another man's advice to distinguish between what is beneficial or hurtful to their constitutions.
At Rome meanwhile were being sown the seeds of bloodshed to come even after Tiberius's death.Acutia, formerly the wife of Publius Vitellius, had been accused of treason by Laelius Balbus.When on her condemnation a reward was being voted to her prosecutor, Junius Otho, tribune of the people, interposed his veto.Hence a feud between Vitellius and Otho, ending in Otho's banishment.Then Albucilla, notorious for the number of her lovers, who had been married to Satrius Secundus, the betrayer of the late conspiracy, was charged with irreverence towards the emperor.With her were involved as her accomplices and paramours Cneius Domitius, Vibius Marsus and Lucius Arruntius.I have already spoken of the illustrious rank of Domitius.Marsus too was distinguished by the honours of his ancestors and by his own attainments.It was, however, stated in the notes of the proceedings furnished to the Senate that Macro had superintended the examination of the witnesses and the torture of the slaves, and the fact that there was no letter from the emperor against the defendants caused a suspicion that, while he was very feeble and possibly ignorant of the matter, the charge was to a great extent invented to gratify Macro's well-known enmity against Arruntius.