All the ill-deeds that a man commits have some colour of excuse--either contempt which provokes, need which compels, love which blinds, or anger which breaks the neck.But ingratitude is a thing that has no excuse, true or false, upon which it can fix;
and it is therefore the worst of vices, since it dries up the fountain of compassion, extinguishes the fire of love, closes the road to benefits, and causes vexation and repentance to spring up in the hearts of the ungrateful.As you will see in the story which I am about to relate.
A peasant had twelve daughters, not one of whom was a head taller than the next; for every year their mother presented him with a little girl; so that the poor man, to support his family decently, went early every morning as a day labourer and dug hard the whole day long.With what his labour produced he just kept his little ones from dying of hunger.
He happened, one day, to be digging at the foot of a mountain, the spy of other mountains, that thrust its head above the clouds to see what they were doing up in the sky, and close to a cavern so deep and dark that the sun was afraid to enter it.Out of this cavern there came a green lizard as big as a crocodile; and the poor man was so terrified that he had not the power to run away, expecting every moment the end of his days from a gulp of that ugly animal.But the lizard, approaching him, said, "Be not afraid, my good man, for I am not come here to do you any harm, but to do you good."
When Masaniello (for that was the name of the labourer) heard this, he fell on his knees and said, "Mistress What's-your-name, I
am wholly in your power.Act then worthily and have compassion on this poor trunk that has twelve branches to support."
"It is on this very account," said the lizard, "that I am disposed to serve you; so bring me, to-morrow morning the youngest of your daughters; for I will rear her up like my own child, and love her as my life."
At this the poor father was more confounded than a thief when the stolen goods are found on his back.For, hearing the lizard ask him for one of his daughters, and that too, the tenderest of them, he concluded that the cloak was not without wool on it, and that she wanted the child as a titbit to stay her appetite.Then he said to himself, "If I give her my daughter, I give her my soul.If I refuse her, she will take this body of mine.If I yield her, I am robbed of my heart; if I deny her she will suck out my blood.If I consent, she takes away part of myself; if I refuse, she takes the whole.What shall I resolve on? What course shall I take? What expedient shall I
adopt" Oh, what an ill day's work have I made of it! What a misfortune has rained down from heaven upon me!"
While he was speaking thus, the lizard said, "Resolve quickly and do what I tell you; or you will leave only your rags here.For so I
will have it, and so it will be." Masaniello, hearing this decree and having no one to whom he could appeal, returned home quite melancholy, as yellow in the face as if he had jaundice; and his wife, seeing him hanging his head like a sick bird and his shoulders like one that is wounded, said to him, "What has happened to you, husband? Have you had a quarrel with any one?
Is there a warrant out against you? Or is the ass dead?"
"Nothing of that sort," said Masaniello, "but a horned lizard has put me into a fright, for she has threatened that if I do not bring her our youngest daughter, she will make me suffer for it.My head is turning like a reel.I know not what fish to take.On one side love constrains me; on the other the burden of my family.I love Renzolla dearly, I love my own life dearly.If I do not give the lizard this portion of my heart, she will take the whole compass of my unfortunate body.So now, dear wife, advise me, or I am ruined!"
When his wife heard this, she said, "Who knows, husband, but this may be a lizard with two tails, that will make our fortune? Who knows but this lizard may put an end to all our miseries? How often, when we should have an eagle's sight to discern the good luck that is running to meet us, we have a cloth before our eyes and the cramp in our hands, when we should lay hold on it.So go, take her away, for my heart tells me that some good fortune awaits the poor little thing!"
These words comforted Masaniello; and the next morning, as soon as the Sun with the brush of his rays whitewashed the Sky, which the shades of night had blackened, he took the little girl by the hand, and led her to the cave.Then the lizard came out, and taking the child gave the father a bag full of crowns, saying, "Go now, be happy, for Renzolla has found both father and mother."
Masaniello, overjoyed, thanked the lizard and went home to his wife.There was money enough for portions to all the other daughters when they married, and even then the old folks had sauce remaining for themselves to enable them to swallow with relish the toils of life.
Then the lizard made a most beautiful palace for Renzolla, and brought her up in such state and magnificence as would have dazzled the eyes of any queen.She wanted for nothing.Her food was fit for a count, her clothing for a princess.She had a hundred maidens to wait upon her, and with such good treatment she grew as sturdy as an oak-tree.
It happened, as the King was out hunting in those parts, that night overtook him, and as he stood looking round, not knowing where to lay his head, he saw a candle shining in the palace.So he sent one of his servants, to ask the owner to give him shelter.When the servant came to the palace, the lizard appeared before him in the shape of a beautiful lady; who, after hearing his message, said that his master should be a thousand times welcome, and that neither bread nor knife should there be wanting.The King, on hearing this reply, went to the palace and was received like a cavalier.A