He accordingly halted for five days, but despatched troops in all directions, who burned and ravaged to the very gates of Paris.The villages of St.Germain, St.Cloud, Bourg la Reine, and many others within sight of the walls were destroyed, and the capital itself thrown into a state of terror and consternation.Godfrey of Harcourt was the first to cross the river, and with the advance guard of English fell upon a large body of the burghers of Amiens, and after a severe fight defeated them, killing over five hundred.The king himself with his whole force passed on the 16th of August.
Phillip, with his army, quitted St.Denis, when he heard that the English army had passed the Seine, and by parallel marches endeavoured to interpose between it and the borders of Flanders.As his force was every hour increasing he despatched messengers to Edward offering him battle within a few days on condition that he would cease to ravage the country; but Edward declined the proposal, saying that Phillip himself by breaking down the bridges had avoided a battle as long as he could, but that whenever he was ready to give battle he would accept the challenge.During the whole march the armies were within a few leagues of each other, and constant skirmishes took place between bodies detached from the hosts.
In some of these skirmishes Walter took part, as he and the other newly made knights were burning to distinguish themselves.Every day the progress of the army became more difficult, as the country people everywhere rose against them, and several times attempted to make a stand but were defeated with great loss.The principal towns were found deserted, and even Poix, which offered great capabilities of defence, had been left unguarded.Upon the English entering, the burghers offered to pay a large ransom to save the town from plunder.The money was to be delivered as soon as the English force had withdrawn, and Walter Somers was ordered by the king to remain behind with a few men-at-arms to receive the ransom.
No sooner had the army departed than the burghers, knowing that the French army was close behind, changed their minds, refused to pay the ransom, and fell upon the little body of men-at-arms.Although taken quite by surprise by the act of treachery Walter instantly rallied his men although several had been killed at the first onslaught.He, with Ralph and two or three of the staunchest men, covered the retreat of the rest through the streets, making desperate charges upon the body of armed burghers pressing upon them.Ralph fought as usual with a mace of prodigious weight, and the terror of his blows in no slight degree enabled the party to reach the gate in safety, but Walter had no idea of retreating further.He despatched one of his followers to gallop at full speed to overtake the rear-guard of the army, which was still but two miles distant, while with the rest he formed a line across the gate and resisted all the attempts of the citizens to expel them.
The approach to the gate was narrow, and the overwhelming number of the burghers were therefore of little avail.Walter had dismounted his force and all fought on foot, and although sorely pressed they held their ground until Lords Cobham and Holland, with their followers, rode up.Then the tide of war was turned, the town was plundered and burnt, and great numbers of the inhabitants slain.Walter gained great credit for holding the gate, for had he been driven out, the town could have resisted, until the arrival of Louis, all assaults of the English.
The river Somme now barred the passage of Edward.Most of the bridges had been destroyed, and those remaining were so strongly fortified that they could not be forced.
The position of the English was now very critical.On one flank and in front were impassable rivers.The whole country was in arms against them, and on their rear and flank pressed a hostile army fourfold their strength.
The country was swampy and thinly populated, and flour and provisions were only obtained with great difficulty.Edward, on finding from the reports of his marshals who had been sent to examine the bridges, that no passage across the river could be found, turned and marched down the river towards the sea, halting for the night at Oisemont.
Here, a great number of peasantry attempted a defence, but were easily defeated and a number of prisoners taken.Late in the evening the Earl of Warwick, who had pushed forward as far as Abbeville and St.Valery, returned with the news that the passages at those places were as strongly guarded as elsewhere, but he had learnt from a peasant that a ford existed somewhere below Abbeville, although the man was himself ignorant of its position.
Edward at once called the prisoners belonging to that part of the country before him, and promised to any one who would tell him where the ford lay his freedom and that of twenty of his companions.A peasant called Gobin Agase stepped forward and offered to show the ford, where at low tide twelve men could cross abreast.It was, he said, called "La Blanche Tache".
Edward left Oisemont at midnight and reached the ford at daylight.The river, however, was full and the army had to wait impatiently for low tide.
When they arrived there no enemy was to be seen on the opposite bank, but before the water fell sufficiently for a passage to be attempted, Sir Godemar du Fay with 12,000 men, sent by King Phillip, who was aware of the existence of the ford, arrived on the opposite side.
The enterprise was a difficult one indeed, for the water, even at low tide, is deep.Godemar du Fay, however, threw away part of his advantage by advancing into the stream.The English archers lined the banks, and poured showers of arrows into the ranks of the enemy, while the Genoese bowmen on their side were able to give comparatively little assistance to the French.