"Then the worst--we haven't faced that.I COULD face it, Ibelieve, if I knew what you think it.I feel," he explained, "as if I had lost my power to conceive such things." And he wondered if he looked as blank as he sounded."It's spent.""Then why do you assume," she asked, "that mine isn't?""Because you've given me signs to the contrary.It isn't a question for you of conceiving, imagining, comparing.It isn't a question now of choosing." At last he came out with it."You know something I don't.You've shown me that before."These last words had affected her, he made out in a moment, exceedingly, and she spoke with firmness."I've shown you, my dear, nothing."He shook his head."You can't hide it."
"Oh, oh!" May Bartram sounded over what she couldn't hide.It was almost a smothered groan.
"You admitted it months ago, when I spoke of it to you as of something you were afraid I should find out.Your answer was that I couldn't, that I wouldn't, and I don't pretend I have.But you had something therefore in mind, and I see now how it must have been, how it still is, the possibility that, of all possibilities, has settled itself for you as the worst.This," he went on, "is why I appeal to you.I'm only afraid of ignorance to-day--I'm not afraid of knowledge." And then as for a while she said nothing:
"What makes me sure is that I see in your face and feel here, in this air and amid these appearances, that you're out of it.You've done.You've had your experience.You leave me to my fate."Well, she listened, motionless and white in her chair, as on a decision to be made, so that her manner was fairly an avowal, though still, with a small fine inner stiffness, an imperfect surrender."It WOULD be the worst," she finally let herself say.
"I mean the thing I've never said."
It hushed him a moment."More monstrous than all the monstrosities we've named?""More monstrous.Isn't that what you sufficiently express," she asked, "in calling it the worst?"Marcher thought."Assuredly--if you mean, as I do, something that includes all the loss and all the shame that are thinkable.""It would if it SHOULD happen," said May Bartram."What we're speaking of, remember, is only my idea.""It's your belief," Marcher returned."That's enough for me.Ifeel your beliefs are right.Therefore if, having this one, you give me no more light on it, you abandon me.""No, no!" she repeated."I'm with you--don't you see?--still."And as to make it more vivid to him she rose from her chair--a movement she seldom risked in these days--and showed herself, all draped and all soft, in her fairness and slimness."I haven't forsaken you."It was really, in its effort against weakness, a generous assurance, and had the success of the impulse not, happily, been great, it would have touched him to pain more than to pleasure.
But the cold charm in her eyes had spread, as she hovered before him, to all the rest of her person, so that it was for the minute almost a recovery of youth.He couldn't pity her for that; he could only take her as she showed--as capable even yet of helping him.It was as if, at the same time, her light might at any instant go out; wherefore he must make the most of it.There passed before him with intensity the three or four things he wanted most to know; but the question that came of itself to his lips really covered the others."Then tell me if I shall consciously suffer."She promptly shook her head."Never!"
It confirmed the authority he imputed to her, and it produced on him an extraordinary effect."Well, what's better than that? Do you call that the worst?""You think nothing is better?" she asked.