第108章 SYNOPSIS(9)
I have never hesitated to take what measures seemed necessary to have a quiet library,otherwise how near can we come to fulfilling the purpose of a library?
Since the first few weeks that I was here as librarian I have had no trouble in regard to the discipline.I feel sometimes that Iam too strict,but I cannot have patrons say "I cannot study at the library because of the confusion,etc."The only solution of the problem that I know of is to ask every one not to talk,unless he can do so without disturbing others in the least.When it is necessary for people to talk about their work,except to us,we give them a vacant room in the building and often have people in every vacant space and the office at the same time.We encourage such use of the rooms;try to be courteous in our demands;interested in all;do everything in our power to get material for patrons and the result is that they feel that the library is a place of business.
The boys who used to come "for fun"come now and read for several hours at a time and are always gentlemanly and are our friends.Iknow of none who ceased to come because of the order we must have.At first,if we had spoken to anyone and they still were not quiet,we asked them to leave the building and to come back when they wanted to read or study.We always saw that they left when we told them to do so,and no one has been sent from the building for unruly conduct for two years.If I needed help Iwould call on the police as I would not want either teachers or students to feel that we could not manage our patrons when they were in the library.Of course we are always on the alert as we realize that the matter would get beyond us if we were careless for a time.It is not easy for librarians to carry out these rules,but it pays in the reputation of the library.
Mrs.Alice G.Evans,Decatur,Ill.
We have had very little trouble with discipline since moving into our own building,the rooms being so arranged that excellent supervision over them is possible from the loan desk.Then too,the children's and reference rooms have their own attendants and any disturbance may be quickly settled.
Perhaps the most disturbing element comes from the boys preparing debates,who often forget and talk somewhat above a whisper,and it is sometimes necessary to request them every fifteen minutes,to lower their voices.
As to making the library a meeting place,this is done,Isuppose,to some extent but we rarely have any particular trouble from it.
I think the main reason for the order in our library is the separation of the different departments,as we used to have a great deal of trouble when we had but one room for readers,students and children.
Miss Elizabeth Comer,Redwood Falls,Minn.
When I first came here,I sent both boys and girls home;it was seldom necessary to send the same child twice for the same offense.Some of the boys tried a new tack after being sent home once and were then told to stay away until they could conduct themselves properly on the library premises,with the result that I have not been obliged to send a child away from the library for months.
Miss Marie E.Brick,St.Cloud,Minn.
The question of discipline has always been such an easy matter with me and never a problem that it seems rather difficult to state just how the good results are accomplished.We have none of the disfiguring printed signs of warning about;we do not need them.A glance,a word,a motion,at the least sign of uneasiness or noise,and all is quiet.
Any good disciplinarian will say that her methods are the same.
It is not what she says or does,but her entire attitude,her manner,her commanding personality,that secure the desired results.
Our High School pupils never give us any trouble.They enjoy too many privileges as students to abuse them.The school is in the next block,so near that the teachers almost daily excuse a number of them to do supplementary reading in the library during school hours.They hand me a printed slip or pass on entering,which I sign with the time of coming and leaving.These are returned to their respective instructors on returning to the school room.This pass acts as a check on anyone disposed to loiter by the way.
Miss Ella F.Corwin,Elkhart,Ind.
We never have had a great deal of trouble with the discipline.We try to make the children and young people feel that we depend upon them to assist in keeping up the standard of good behavior.
We reach the younger children partly through the children's hour,not by talking to them on these subjects,but by winning them to us through the stories we tell and in our treatment of them.
With the High School boys and girls,it is more difficult.The suspension of two boys had a beneficial effect,but the principal of the High School is our greatest help with them.
Miss Bertha Marx,Sheboypan,Wis.
The matter of discipline has not been of sufficient importance in our library to be classed as a problem.This may be due to two facts:First,the atmosphere discourages rowdyism,loud talking and visiting;secondly,an unwritten rule is that there must be quiet in the library but not necessarily absolute silence.It seems to me where the order in a library is not what it would be,the staff is lacking in its sense of discipline.
If by chance,a group of people happens to make too much noise,we never hesitate to step up to them and in a courteous manner request them to be quiet.Such disturbance is usually caused through thoughtlessness,not from any desire to break a library rule,and after people have been cautioned they rarely commit the offense again.I will admit this must be done in a tactful way,for a grown person does not wish to be dictated to in the library as though he were a child in school.There are a few old men and women who persist in talking in a loud tone of voice;we know it would hurt their feelings if they were told to be quiet and therefore we wait upon them quickly,even ahead of their turn and so get rid of them as soon as possible.