第106章 SYNOPSIS(7)
Judging from the impression made upon people from other libraries I should infer that our library is in a pretty well ordered condition in the matter of discipline.
From the opening of our library we have impressed upon the public the necessity for quiet and order.We do not permit any talking aloud,a rule to which there are very few exceptions.The use,even,of subdued tones in the routine of selecting and exchanging books is not allowed among children and is discouraged among adults.The public understand and appreciate the fact that the library is no place for visitation or conversation.It has been necessary to pursue this course as we have but one large room for stacks,reference books,reading tables,children's department and charging desk.
We have in a measure to contend against the noise attendant upon hard wood floors,and we are disturbed at times during the last hour of the evening from the room above which is the armory of the city company of the national guard.This,however,in no way affects the discipline of the library,excepting as it makes discipline there more essential.
Miss Deborah B.Martin,Green Bay,Wis.
Occasionally we have had difficulty from a crowd of boys entering the room in a body with a great deal of noise,annoying the librarian and readers by making a disturbance at the tables and altogether proving themselves a nuisance.We found that the most effective means for putting a decisive stop to the trouble was to write a polite note to the parents of each offender,saying that as the boy was proving an annoyance to library patrons,it might be well if he was kept away from the library until he was old enough to understand its uses.The parents have never resented this notice and after a reasonable time,the youth has returned to the library chastened and pleasant and there has been no further trouble with him.
High school boys and girls do make the library a meeting place,and two years ago it became so noticeable that the Principal of one of the high schools,in a communication to the parents of scholars,spoke of the public library as a rendezvous.It is certainly not the province of the librarian unless these young people prove an annoyance to the reader,to discipline them or tell them what company they should keep.At a meeting of the Woman's club,the librarian was asked to speak to the club on the Public Library and its Work.This gave an opportunity to bring in the question of library discipline in its relation to the young people who flocked there less for study than for pleasure.The talk in this instance fortunately reached the right people,who perhaps had never thought the matter over before,and the library is not now,to any extent,used as a meeting place for high school students,although they still use it largely in their reference work.
Miss Nannie W.Jayne,Alexandria,Ind.
A few boys and girls from the high school and eighth grade have made two or three attempts to use the library as a meeting place.
These meetings have been promptly broken up and a private talk with each offender has been the means used to prevent a repetition of the offense.A special effort has been made to impress the girls with correct ideas on this point,and in almost every case,these talks have resulted in an apology from the girl for her behavior.
If all general conversation be prohibited,the library offers but little attraction to those who would come merely for a good time.
Miss Martha E.Dunn,Stanley,Wis.
We have had some experience with the older scholars making the library a meeting place.I mentioned the fact to the library board,and the president,who was the editor of our local paper at that time,made mention of it in the next issue.Since then,there has been no trouble.Our local paper has done much toward helping to put down any annoyance in and around the library building.It is a good thing to have the editor of the paper on the library board.
Miss Anna S.Pinkum,Marinette,Wis.
Our problems of discipline are,in some respects,peculiar to local conditions and in other respects,are the results of a larger movement which seems to be sweeping the entire country.
Broadly speaking,two causes which make discipline such a difficult task stand out prominently:
1.Local causes.A 9o'clock curfew law and that not enforced;parents allowing their children to roam the streets at night;misdemeanors winked at by those in authority,particularly the police;a general laxity on the part of parents and city officials in correcting offences.
2.Universal movement.Loss of parental authority.This is not peculiar to Marinette,but it is a deplorable state of affairs which is being brought to light all over the country.
We find that moral suasion does not work effectively.
Theoretically probably none of us believes in being caught wearing a frown,but most of our boys and girls respect sternness and assertive authority when they will not respond to any sort of kindly advice or appeal to their better natures.
After the study of this problem for some time,the conclusion reached is this:--With one assistant,we can control any situation that may present itself within the library and by so doing,in time,may create the habit of quiet and orderly conduct;but until parents realize that their children need guidance,correction,and above all need to be kept from roaming the streets at night,the problem of discipline will be an ever present one both in the schools and in the library at Marinette.
Mrs.Anna C.Bronsky,Chippewa Falls,Wis.