第26章 Theology
There is indeed one science (as they are now distinguished)incomparably above all the rest,where it is not by corruption narrowed into a trade or faction for mean or ill ends and secular interests;Imean theology,which,containing the knowledge of God and his creatures,our duty to him and our fellow creatures and a view of our present and future state,is the comprehension of all other knowledge directed to its true end,i.e.,the honor and veneration of the Creator and the happiness of mankind.
This is that noble study which is every man's duty and everyone that can be called a rational creature is capable of.The works of nature and the words of revelation display it to mankind in characters so large and visible,that those who are not quite blind may in them read and see the first principles and most necessary parts of it and from thence,as they have time and industry,may be enabled to go on to the more abstruse parts of it and penetrate into those infinite depths filled with the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.This is that science which would truly enlarge men's minds,were it studied or permitted to be studied everywhere with that freedom,love of truth and charity which it teaches,and were not made,contrary to its nature,the occasion of strife,faction,malignity and narrow impositions.I shall say no more here of this,but that it is undoubtedly a wrong use of my understanding to make it the rule and measure of another man's,a use which it is neither fit for nor capable of.