Maggie's heart began to flutter with fear.She dared not tell the sad truth at once, but she walked after Tom in trembling silence as he went out, thinking how she could tell him the news so as to soften at once his sorrow and his anger.For Maggie dreaded Tom's anger of all things: it was quite a different anger from her own.
`Tom,' she said, timidly, when they were out of doors, `how much money did you give for your rabbits?'
`Two half-crowns and a sixpence,' said Tom, promptly.
`I think I've got a great deal more than that in my steel purse upstairs.
I'll ask mother to give it you.'
`What for?' said Tom.`I don't want your money, you silly thing.
I've got a great deal more money than you, because I'm a boy.I always have half-sovereigns and sovereigns for my Christmas boxes, because I shall be a man, and you only have five-shilling pieces, because you're only a girl.'
`Well, but, Tom - if mother would let me give you two half-crowns and a sixpence out of my purse to put into your pocket and spend, you know - and buy some more rabbits with it?'
`More rabbits? I don't want any more.'
`O, but Tom, they're all dead.'
Tom stopped immediately in his walk and turned round towards Maggie.
`You forgot to feed 'em then, and Harry forgot,' he said, his colour heightening for a moment, but soon subsiding.`I'll pitch into Harry - I'll have him turned away.And I don't love you, Maggie.You shan't go fishing with me to-morrow.I told you to go and see the rabbits every day.' He walked on again.
`Yes, but I forgot - and I couldn't help it, indeed, Tom.I'm so very sorry,' said Maggie, while the tears rushed fast.
`You're a naughty girl,' said Tom, severely, `and I'm sorry I bought you the fish-line.I don't love you.'
`O Tom, it's very cruel,' sobbed Maggie, `I'd forgive you, if you forgot anything - I wouldn't mind what you did - I'd forgive you and love you.'
`Yes, you're a silly.But I never do forget things, I don't.'
`O, please forgive me, Tom; my heart will break,' said Maggie, shaking with sobs, clinging to Tom's arm, and laying her wet cheek on his shoulder.
Tom shook her off, and stopped again, saying in a per-emptory tone, `Now, Maggie, you just listen.Aren't I a good brother to you?'
`Ye-ye-es,' sobbed Maggie, her chin rising and falling convulsedly.
`Didn't I think about your fish-line all this quarter, and mean to buy it, and saved my money o' purpose, and wouldn't go halves in the toffee, and Spouncer fought me because I wouldn't?'
`Ye-ye-es...and I...lo-lo-love you so, Tom.'
`But you're a naughty girl.Last holidays you licked the paint off my lozenge-box, and the holidays before that, you let the boat drag my fish-line down when I'd set you to watch it, and you pushed your head through my kite all for nothing.'
`But I didn't mean,' said Maggie.`I couldn't help it.'
`Yes, you could,' said Tom, `if you'd minded what you were doing.And you're a naughty girl, and you shan't go fishing with me to-morrow.'
With this terrible conclusion, Tom ran away from Maggie towards the mill, meaning to greet Luke there, and complain to him of Harry.
Maggie stood motionless, except from her sobs, for a minute or two;then she turned round and ran into the house and up to her attic, where she sat on the floor and laid her head against the worm-eaten shelf, with a crushing sense of misery.Tom was come home and she had thought how happy she should be - and now he was cruel to her.What use was anything if Tom didn't love her? O, he was very cruel! Hadn't she wanted to give him the money and said how very sorry she was? She knew she was naughty to her mother, but she had never been naughty to Tom - had never meant to be naughty to him.
`O he is cruel!' Maggie sobbed aloud, finding a wretched pleasure in the hollow resonance that came through the long empty space of the attic.
She never thought of beating or grinding her Fetish; she was too miserable to be angry.
These bitter sorrows of childhood! - when sorrow is all new and strange, when hope has not yet got wings to fly beyond the days and weeks, and the space from summer to summer seems measureless.
Maggie soon thought she had been hours in the attic, and it must be tea-time, and they were all having their tea, and not thinking of her.
Well, then, she would stay up there and starve herself - hide herself behind the tub and stay there all night, and then they would all be frightened and Tom would be sorry.Thus Maggie thought in the pride of her heart, as she crept behind the tub; but presently she began to cry again at the idea that they didn't mind her being there.If she went down again to Tom now - would he forgive her? - perhaps her father would be there and he would take her part.But then, she wanted Tom to forgive her because he loved her, not because his father told him.No, she would never go down if Tom didn't come to fetch her.This resolution lasted in great intensity for five dark minutes behind the tub; but then the need of being loved, the strongest need in poor Maggie's nature, began to wrestle with her pride and soon threw it.She crept from behind her tub into the twilight of the long attic, but just then she heard a quick footstep on the stairs.
Tom had been too much interested in his talk with Luke, in going the round of the premises, walking in and out where he pleased, and whittling sticks without any particular reason except that he didn't whittle sticks at school, to think of Maggie and the effect his anger had produced on her.He meant to punish her, and that business having been performed, he occupied himself with other matters like a practical person.But when he had been called in to tea, his father said, `Why, where's the little wench?'
and Mrs Tulliver, almost at the same moment, said, `Where's your little sister?' both of them having supposed that Maggie and Tom had been together all the afternoon.
`I don't know,' said Tom.He didn't want to `tell' of Maggie, though he was angry with her, for Tom Tulliver was a lad of honour.
`What, hasn't she been playing with you all this while?' said the father.
`She'd been thinking o' nothing but your coming home.'