too, for that matter.Then Jasper himself belayed the end of the jib-halyards to a stretcher in the rigging, instead of bringing in to the mast, where they belong, at least among British sailors.""I daresay Jasper may have got some Canada notions about working his craft, from being so much on the other side," Pathfinder interposed; "but catching an idee, or a word, isn't treachery and bad faith.I sometimes get an idee from the Mingos themselves; but my heart has always been with the Delawares.No, no, Jasper is true; and the king might trust him with his crown, just as he would trust his eldest son, who, as he is to wear it one day, ought to be the last man to wish to steal it.""Fine talking, fine talking!" said Cap; "all fine talk-ing, Master Pathfinder, but d----d little logic.In the first place, the king's majesty cannot lend his crown, it being contrary to the laws of the realm, which require him to wear it at all times, in order that his sacred person may be known, just as the silver oar is necessary to a sheriff's officer afloat.In the next place, it's high treason, by law, for the eldest son of his majesty ever to covet the crown, or to have a child, except in lawful wedlock, as either would derange the succession.Thus you see, friend Path-finder that in order to reason truly, one must get under way, as it might be, on the right tack.Law is reason, and reason is philosophy, and philosophy is a steady drag;whence it follows that crowns are regulated by law, reason, and philosophy.""I know little of all this; Master Cap; but nothing short of seeing and feeling will make me think Jasper Western a traitor.""There you are wrong again, Pathfinder; for there is a way of proving a thing much more conclusively than either seeing or feeling, or by both together; and that is by a circumstance.""It may be so in the settlements; but it is not so here on the lines.""It is so in nature, which is monarch over all.There was a circumstance, just after we came on board this even-ing, that is extremely suspicious, and which may be set down at once as a makeweight against this lad.Jasper bent on the king's ensign with his own hands; and, while he pretended to be looking at Mabel and the soldier's wife, giving directions about showing them below here, and a that, he got the flag union down!""That might have been accident," returned the Ser-geant, "for such a thing has happened to myself; besides, the halyards lead to a pulley, and the flag would have come right, or not, according to the manner in which the lad hoisted it.""A pulley!" exclaimed Cap, with strong disgust; "Iwish, Sergeant Dunham, I could prevail on you to use proper terms.An ensign-halyard-block is no more a pul-ley than your halbert is a boarding-pike.It is true that by hoisting on one part, another part would go uppermost;but I look upon that affair of the ensign, now you have mentioned your suspicions, as a circumstance, and shall bear it in mind.I trust supper is not to be overlooked, however, even if we have a hold full of traitors.""It will be duly attended to, brother Cap; but I shall count on you for aid in managing the _Scud_, should any-thing occur to induce me to arrest Jasper.""I'll not fail you, Sergeant; and in such an event you'll probably learn what this cutter can really perform; for, as yet, I fancy it is pretty much matter of guesswork.""Well, for my part," said Pathfinder, drawing a heavy sigh, "I shall cling to the hope of Jasper's innocence, and recommend plain dealing, by asking the lad himself, with-out further delay, whether he is or is not a traitor.I'll put Jasper Western against all the presentiments and cir-cumstances in the colony."
"That will never do," rejoined the Sergeant."The re-sponsibility of this affair rests with me, and I request and enjoin that nothing be said to any one without my knowl-edge.We will all keep watchful eyes about us, and take proper note of circumstances.""Ay, ay! circumstances are the things after all," re-turned Cap."One circumstance is worth fifty facts.That I know to be the law of the realm.Many a man has been hanged on circumstances."The conversation now ceased, and, after a short delay, the whole party returned to the deck, each individual dis-posed to view the conduct of the suspected Jasper in the manner most suited to his own habits and character.