I let the youthful author talk as much and as extravagantly as he pleased, and was glad to see him commencing life with such confidence in himself and his performances.A few years will do all that is necessary towards showing him the truth in both respects.Meanwhile, it is but right to say, he does really appear to have overcome the moral objections against these fables, although at the expense of such liberties with their structure as must be left to plead their own excuse, without any help from me.Indeed, except that there was a necessity for it--and that the inner life of the legends cannot be come at save by making them entirely one's own property--there is no defense to be made.
Eustace informed me that he had told his stories to the children in various situations--in the woods, on the shore of the lake, in the dell of Shadow Brook, in the playroom, at Tanglewood fireside, and in a magnificent palace of snow, with ice windows, which he helped his little friends to build.His auditors were even more delighted with the contents of the present volume than with the specimens which have already been given to the world.The classically learned Mr.Pringle, too, had listened to two or three of the tales, and censured them even more bitterly than he did THE THREE GOLDEN APPLES; so that, what with praise, and what with criticism, Eustace Bright thinks that there is good hope of at least as much success with the public as in the case of the "WonderBook."I made all sorts of inquiries about the children, not doubting that there would be great eagerness to hear of their welfare, among some good little folks who have written to me, to ask for another volume of myths.They are all, I am happy to say (unless we except Clover), in excellent health and spirits.
Primrose is now almost a young lady, and, Eustace tells me, is just as saucy as ever.She pretends to consider herself quite beyond the age to be interested by such idle stories as these;but, for all that, whenever a story is to be told, Primrose never fails to be one of the listeners, and to make fun of it when finished.Periwinkle is very much grown, and is expected to shut up her baby house and throw away her doll in a month or two more.Sweet Fern has learned to read and write, and has put on a jacket and pair of pantaloons--all of which improvements Iam sorry for.Squash Blossom, Blue Eye, Plantain, and Buttercup have had the scarlet fever, but came easily through it.
Huckleberry, Milkweed, and Dandelion were attacked with the whooping cough, but bore it bravely, and kept out of doors whenever the sun shone.Cowslip, during the autumn, had either the measles, or some eruption that looked very much like it, but was hardly sick a day.Poor Clover has been a good deal troubled with her second teeth, which have made her meagre in aspect and rather fractious in temper; nor, even when she smiles, is the matter much mended, since it discloses a gap just within her lips, almost as wide as the barn door.But all this will pass over, and it is predicted that she will turn out a very pretty girl.
As for Mr.Bright himself, he is now in his senior year at Williams College, and has a prospect of graduating with some degree of honorable distinction at the next Commencement.In his oration for the bachelor's degree, he gives me to understand, he will treat of the classical myths, viewed in the aspect of baby stories, and has a great mind to discuss the expediency of using up the whole of ancient history, for the same purpose.I do not know what he means to do with himself after leaving college, but trust that, by dabbling so early with the dangerous and seductive business of authorship, he will not bc tempted to become an author by profession.If so Ishall be very sorry for the little that I have had to do with the matter, in encouraging these first beginnings.
I wish there were any likelihood of my soon seeing Primrose, Periwinkle, Dandelion, Sweet Fern, Clover Plantain, Huckleberry, Milkweed, Cowslip, Buttercup, Blue Eye, and Squash Blossom again.But as I do not know when I shall re-visit Tanglewood, and as Eustace Bright probably will not ask me to edit a third "WonderBook," the public of little folks must not expect to hear any more about those dear children from me.
Heaven bless them, and everybody else, whether grown people or children!