第26章 Little Wildrose(3)
The trees were so thick and the wood so dark, that he paused for a moment and listened, straining his ears to catch some sound to break a silence which almost frightened him.But nothing came, not even the baying of a hound or the note of a horn.He stood still, and wondered if he should go on, when, on looking up, a stream of light seemed to flow from the top of a tall tree.In its rays he could see the nest with the young eaglets, who were watching him over the side.The prince fitted an arrow into his bow and took his aim, but, before he could let fly, another ray of light dazzled him; so brilliant was it, that his bow dropped, and he covered his face with his hands.When at last he ventured to peep, Wildrose, with her golden hair flowing round her, was looking at him.This was the first time she had seen a man.
'Tell me how I can reach you?' cried he; but Wildrose smiled and shook her head, and sat down quietly.
The prince saw that it was no use, and turned and made his way out of the forest.But he might as well have stayed there, for any good he was to his father, so full was his heart of longing for Wildrose.
Twice he returned to the forest in the hopes of finding her, but this time fortune failed him, and he went home as sad as ever.
At length the emperor, who could not think what had caused this change, sent for his son and asked him what was the matter.Then the prince confessed that the image of Wildrose filled his soul, and that he would never be happy without her.At first the emperor felt rather distressed.He doubted whether a girl from a tree top would make a good empress; but he loved his son so much that he promised to do all he could to find her.So the next morning heralds were sent forth throughout the whole land to inquire if anyone knew where a maiden could be found who lived in a forest on the top of a tree, and to promise great riches and a place at court to any person who should find her.But nobody knew.All the girls in the kingdom had their homes on the ground, and laughed at the notion of being brought up in a tree.'A nice kind of empress she would make,' they said, as the emperor had done, tossing their heads with disdain; for, having read many books, they guessed what she was wanted for.
The heralds were almost in despair, when an old woman stepped out of the crowd and came and spoke to them.She was not only very old, but she was very ugly, with a hump on her back and a bald head, and when the heralds saw her they broke into rude laughter.
'I can show you the maiden who lives in the tree-top,' she said, but they only laughed the more loudly.
'Get away, old witch!' they cried, 'you will bring us bad luck'; but the old woman stood firm, and declared that she alone knew where to find the maiden.
'Go with her,' said the eldest of the heralds at last.'The emperor's orders are clear, that whoever knew anything of the maiden was to come at once to court.Put her in the coach and take her with us.'
So in this fashion the old woman was brought to court.
'You have declared that you can bring hither the maiden from the wood?' said the emperor, who was seated on his throne.
'Yes, your Majesty, and I will keep my word,' said she.
'Then bring her at once,' said the emperor.
'Give me first a kettle and a tripod,' asked the old w omen, and the emperor ordered them to be brought instantly.The old woman picked them up, and tucking them under her arm went on her way, keeping at a little distance behind the royal huntsmen, who in their turn followed the prince.
Oh, what a noise that old woman made as she walked along! She chattered to herself so fast and clattered her kettle so loudly that you would have thought that a whole campful of gipsies must be coming round the next corner.But when they reached the forest, she bade them all wait outside, and entered the dark wood by herself.
She stopped underneath the tree where the maiden dwelt and, gathering some dry sticks, kindled a fire.Next, she placed the tripod over it, and the kettle on top.But something was the matter with the kettle.As fast as the old woman put it where it was to stand, that kettle was sure to roll off, falling to the ground with a crash.
It really seemed bewitched, and no one knows what might have happened if Wildrose, who had been all the time peeping out of her nest, had not lost patience at the old woman's stupidity, and cried out: 'The tripod won't stand on that hill, you must move it!'
'But where am I to move it to, my child?' asked the old woman, looking up to the nest, and at the same moment trying to steady the kettle with one hand and the tripod with the other.
'Didn't I tell you that it was no good doing that,' said Wildrose, more impatiently than before.'Make a fire near a tree and hang the kettle from one of the branches.'
The old woman took the kettle and hung it on a little twig, which broke at once, and the kettle fell to the ground.
'If you would only show me how to do it, perhaps I should understand,' said she.
Quick as thought, the maiden slid down the smooth trunk of the tree, and stood beside the stupid old woman, to teach her how things ought to be done.But in an instant the old woman had caught up the girl and swung her over her shoulders, and was running as fast as she could go to the edge of the forest, where she had left the prince.When he saw them coming he rushed eagerly to meet them, and he took the maiden in his arms and kissed her tenderly before them all.Then a golden dress was put on her, and pearls were twined in her hair, and she took her seat in the emperor's carriage which was drawn by six of the whitest horses in the world, and they carried her, without stopping to draw breath, to the gates of the palace.And in three days the wedding was celebrated, and the wedding feast was held, and everyone who saw the bride declared that if anybody wanted a perfect wife they must go to seek her on top of a tree.
[ Adapted from file Roumanian.]