Key, Francis Scott.An American lawyer and author of "The Star- Spangled Banner," was born in Maryland in 1779; died in 1843.
La Coste, Marie.An American writer whose home was in the South.She is remembered for the single poem, "Somebody's Darling"Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth.One of the greatest of American poets, born at Portland, Maine, in 1807.He held for some years the professorship of Modern Languages in Bowdoin College, and later a similar professorship in Harvard College.Many of his poems are well known to all young readers.He died in Cambridge in 1882.
Mackay, Charles.A Scottish poet, born at Perth in 1814.He was editor of the Illustrated London News for several years, and wrote three or four volumes of poems.He died in London in 1889.
Macdonald, George.A Scottish writer, born at Huntly, Scotland, in1824.He was the author of a number of popular novels, of several books for the young, and of two or three works on religious subjects.
Michelet, Jules.A famous French historian and miscellaneous writer, born in Paris in 1798.He died in 1872.
Mitford, Mary Russell.An English author, born in Hampshire in 1787.She wrote several dramas and poems besides numerous stories for children.Her most popular work is "Our Village." She died in 1855.
Musick, John R.An American writer born in Missouri in 1849; died in 1901.He was the author of several works relating to American history.
Moodie, Susanna.An English author, born in 1803.She was the sister of the noted historical writer, Agnes Strickland.Her best book is "Roughing it in the Bush," a record of experiences in the backwoods of Canada.She died in 1885.
Peck, Samuel Minturn.An American author, born at Tuskaloosa, Alabama, in 1854.He has written several popular songs and some stories.
Procter, Adelaide Anne.An English poet, daughter of Bryan Waller Procter, born in London in 1825.She wrote one volume of poems, entitled, "Legends and Lyrics." She died in 1864.
Riley, James Whitcomb.An American poet, born at Greenfield, Indiana, in 1853.Much of his poetry is In Western dialect.He was author of "Rhymes of Childhood," "Afterwhiles," "A Child World," "Neighborly Poems," and several other volumes of verses.
Sangster, Margaret E.An American author and journalist, born in New Rochelle, New York, in 1838, has written many volumes on social and religious subjects besides several books of verses.
Save, John Godfrey.An American poet, born at Highgate, Vermont, in 1816.Most of his poems are humorous, and have been very popular.He died at Albany, New York, 1887.
Simms, William Gilmore (page 248).An American writer, born at Charleston, South Carolina, in 1806.He wrote several novels, most of them relating to life in the South.He was also the author of a volume of poems, and of a history of South Carolina.He died in 1870.
Stockton, Frank R..An American writer, born at Philadelphia in 1834.Among his books for children are "Roundabout Rambles" and "Tales outof School:" He has also written a number of novels and several volumes of shorter stories for grown-up people.
Tennyson, Alfred.One of the greatest of English poets, born in Lincolnshire in 1809.He was made poet-laureate in 1850.Many of his poems are well known to young readers' and very popular.He died in 1892.
Thaxter, Celia Leighton.An American writer, born at Portsmouth, New Hampshire, in 1835.She wrote "Among the Isles of Shoals," and some other volumes of prose, but is remembered chiefly for her "Poems for Children." She died in 1894.
Timrod, Henry.An American poet, born in Charleston, South Carolina, in 1829.His poems, published in a single volume, have been much admired.He died in 1867.
Todd, John.An American clergyman and author, born at Rutland, Vermont, in 1800.He wrote "Lectures for Children" and the "Student's Manual," books once popular, but now almost.He died at Pittsfield, Massachusetts, in 1873.
Trowbridge, John Townsend.An American writer, born at Ogden, New York, in 1827.He was the author of a large number of popular books for boys, besides several volumes of poetry and some successful novels.
Warner, Charles Dudley.An American author, born at Plainfield, Massachusetts, in 1829.He was the author of many volumes of essays and sketches, and of "Being a Boy," a book for younger readers.He died in 1900.
Woodworth, Samuel.An American author and editor, born at Scituate, Massachusetts, in 1785.He wrote several poems, but he is remembered chiefly as the writer of "The Old Oaken Bucket." He died at New York in 1842.