Perhaps the least of all affected by what had taken place was the giant.Gold meant nothing to him.To serve Tom Swift was his whole aim in life.Born in a savage country, he had not acquired an overwhelming desire for wealth.
Consequently he was cool enough as he tore another box from the many that were fitted into the safe.The water had swelled the wood, and it was not easy to get them out.
A pressure of the giant's iron bar broke the sealed lid.On top was the same layer of gold pieces, but when the box was emptied the same trick was discovered.Iron disks made up the remainder of the contents.
"Bilked! That's what I call it! Regularly bilked!" exclaimed one of the divers, an Englishman who had been in Tom's service several years."Somebody's got the cream of this pudding before we did!""I'm inclined to agree with you," said Tom."Unless it transpires that not all the boxes have been thus camouflaged.We must take time to examine."Then began a period of hard work.Laboring in relays of divers, every box that had been locked in the purser's safe was brought out on the submerged cabin table, broken open, and the contents examined.The hoax was even worse than indicated at first.For after the front section of boxes had been taken out none of the others remaining contained any gold at all.There were only iron disks.
"Well, Tom, what do you think of it?" asked Ned of his chum, when they had returned to the cabin of the submarine, leaving some members of the crew to complete the examination.For this the diving bell was used, as well as the suits.
"I don't think very much," was the answer."It looks as though we had been sold.""Do you think Hardley knew that the gold had been changed to iron-- that is, all but a small part of it?""No, I don't believe he did," Tom answered."If he were here I'd warrant he would be as much surprised as we are.He certainly believed the Pandora was a regular treasure-ship.""Just how much did she really have in gold?" asked Mr.Damon, looking at the double eagles on the table of the M.N.1.
"Well, at a rough guess I'd say ten thousand dollars," Tom answered."We haven't brought it all out yet, and it's possible they may find a full box in the safe.But, unless there is one, I guess ten or fifteen thousand dollars will cover it.""And Hardley said two millions!" exclaimed Ned."Whew, what a difference!""Do you think he was in on the change?" asked one of the officers."No," replied Tom."I guess it was like a good many of thesefilibustering plots.Somebody put up good money to be used to gain control of a country--perhaps for the country's good.But somebody else made the substitution, and the patriots were left.I don't believe Hardley knew this.""Well, you'll get a little out of it, Tom," Ned remarked.
"Nothing worth while," was the answer."But I'm not disappointed; that is, very much.Of course I could use the money, but I don't really need it.The trip has been a wonderful experience, and I have learned something I didn't know before.I'm sorry for you, though, Mr.Damon.You invested considerable with Hardley, didn't you?""About twenty thousand dollars, Tom.It will be hard to lose it, but I guess I can stand it."Tom privately made up his mind to see that his old friend did not suffer financially, for the gold discovered on the Pandora, while it was far from the amount hoped for, would almost reimburse Mr.Damon.But the young inventor did not say anything about that just then.
They were looking at the recovered gold and getting ready to store it in some of the boxes that had been brought from the wreck when the divers that had remained on the Pandora to bring the last of the treasure returned through the chamber.Two of them carried a small steel box.
"What's that?" asked Tom, when they had their helmets off.
"Don't know," was the answer."It was in the purser's safe.Stuck away in the far corner.""Maybe it has jewels in it!" exclaimed Ned."If it has--"At that moment the lookout who had maintained his position in the conning tower called for Tom on the telephone.
"What is it?" asked the young inventor.
"There's some sort of grappling iron, or cable with a hook on it, being lowered from the surface, and it's near the wreck," was the answer."If it isn't any of your apparatus it may be some other ship having a try for the gold.""It must be Hardley!" cried Tom."He's come back with another ship, as he half threatened to do, and, instead of diving for the wreck, which he can't get ordinary men to do in this depth, he's trying to grapple for it.Come on, we'll have a look!"Ned and Mr.Damon followed Tom to the conning tower.Looking out through the heavy glass windows, while the searchlight illuminated the waters, the young inventor and his friends saw a great grappling iron swaying this way and that through the sea not far from the wreck, and once, indeed, uncomfortably close to their own craft.
"He's struck it uncommonly near," remarked Tom."I guess it's time for us to be leaving.""Suppose it's Hardley up above there?" suggested Ned."I don't doubt but it is.""Well, are we going off and leave the wreck--and possibly other gold that may be hidden on her?""I wouldn't give ten dollars for the chance of searching for any more gold!" Tom exclaimed."We'll take this steel box--it may contain something of value.The rest we'll leave to Hardley."Preparations for rising to the surface were quickly made.Up and up went the M.N.1, leaving the ill-starred Pandora to whatever else fate had in store for her.
Tom's craft broke water with gentle undulations of the waves.The top of the hatch was thrown back, admitting the bright sunshine on those who had been long in the shadow of the underseas.And, as the young inventorand his friends went out on deck, they saw a small steamer riding on the ocean not far away.
One look was enough to tell them it was from this craft that the grappling iron had been let down, and as the submarine drifted nearer the form of Hardley was seen on deck.He was directing operations.