Billy was romantic. To sally gaily forth with a pink in the buttonhole of her coat to find her father's friend who was a "Billy" too, seemed to Billy Neilson not only delightful, but eminently sensible, and an excellent way out of her present homesick loneliness. So she bought the pink and her ticket, and impatiently awaited the time to start.
To the Beacon Street house, Billy's cheerful telegram brought the direst consternation. Even Kate was hastily summoned to the family conclave that immediately resulted.
"There's nothing--simply nothing that I can do," she declared irritably, when she had heard the story. "Surely, you don't expect ME to take the boy!""No, no, of course not," sighed William. "But you see, I supposed I'd have time to--to get used to things, and to make arrangements;and this is so--so sudden! I hadn't even answered Harding's letter until to-day; and he hasn't got that--much less replied to it.""But what could you expect after sending that idiotic telegram?"demanded the lady. "'Come,' indeed!"
"But that's what Billy told me to do."
"What if it was? Just because a foolish eighteen-year-old boy tells you to do something, must you, a supposedly sensible forty-year-old man obey?"
"I think it tickled Will's romantic streak," laughed Bertram. "It seemed so sort of alluring to send that one word 'Come' out into space, and watch what happened.""Well, he's found out, certainly," observed Cyril, with grim satisfaction.
"Oh, no; it hasn't happened yet," corrected Bertram, cheerfully.
"It's just going to happen. William's got to put on the pink first, you know. That's the talisman."William reddened.
"Bertram, don't be foolish. I sha'n't wear any pink. You must know that.""How'll you find him, then?"
"Why, he'll have one on; that's enough," settled William.
"Hm-m; maybe. Then he'll have Spunk, too," murmured Bertram, mischievously.
"Spunk!" cried Kate.
"Yes. He wrote that he hoped we wouldn't mind his bringing Spunk with him.""Who's Spunk?
"We don't know." Bertram's lips twitched.
"You don't know! What do you mean?"
"Well, Will thinks it's a dog, and I believe Cyril is anticipating a monkey. I myself am backing it for a parrot.""Boys, what have you done!" groaned Kate, falling back in her chair. "What have you done!"To William her words were like an electric shock stirring him to instant action. He sprang abruptly to his feet.
"Well, whatever we've done, we've done it," he declared sternly;"and now we must do the rest--and do it well, too. He's the son of my boyhood's dearest friend, and he shall be made welcome. Now to business! Bertram, you said you'd take him in. Did you mean it?"Bertram sobered instantly, and came erect in his chair. William did not often speak like this; but when he did--"Yes, Will. He shall have the little bedroom at the end of the hall. I never used the room much, anyhow, and what few duds I have there shall be cleared out to-morrow.""Good! Now there are some other little details to arrange, then I'll go down-stairs and tell Pete and Dong Ling. And, please to understand, we're going to make this lad welcome--welcome, I say!""Yes, sir," said Bertram. Neither Kate nor Cyril spoke.