第89章 Irving’s Bonneville - Chapter 31(2)
They were at a loss to know whether he had been scalped inbattle, or enjoyed a natural immunity from that belligerentinfliction. In a little while, he became known among them by anIndian name, signifying "the bald chief." "A sobriquet," observesthe captain, "for which I can find no parallel in history sincethe days of 'Charles the Bald.'"
Although the travellers had banqueted on roots, and been regaledwith tobacco smoke, yet their stomachs craved more generous fare.
In approaching the lodges of the Nez Perces, they had indulged infond anticipations of venison and dried salmon; and dreams of thekind still haunted their imaginations, and could not be conjureddown. The keen appetites of mountain trappers, quickened by afortnight's fasting, at length got the better of all scruples ofpride, and they fairly begged some fish or flesh from thehospitable savages. The latter, however, were slow to break inupon their winter store, which was very limited; but were readyto furnish roots in abundance, which they pronounced excellentfood. At length, Captain Bonneville thought of a means ofattaining the much-coveted gratification.
He had about him, he says, a trusty plaid; an old and valuedtravelling companion and comforter; upon which the rains haddescended, and the snows and winds beaten, without further effectthan somewhat to tarnish its primitive lustre. This coat of manycolors had excited the admiration, and inflamed the covetousnessof both warriors and squaws, to an extravagant degree. An ideanow occurred to Captain Bonneville, to convert this rainbowgarment into the savory viands so much desired. There was amomentary struggle in his mind, between old associations andprojected indulgence; and his decision in favor of the latter wasmade, he says, with a greater promptness, perhaps, than truetaste and sentiment might have required. In a few moments, hisplaid cloak was cut into numerous strips. "Of these," continueshe, "with the newly developed talent of a man-milliner, Ispeedily constructed turbans a la Turque , and fanciful head-gearsof divers conformations. These, judiciously distributed amongsuch of the womenkind as seemed of most consequence and interestin the eyes of the patres conscripti , brought us, in a littlewhile, abundance of dried salmon and deers' hearts; on which wemade a sumptous supper. Another, and a more satisfactory smoke,succeeded this repast, and sweet slumbers answering the peacefulinvocation of our pipes, wrapped us in that delicious rest, whichis only won by toil and travail." As to Captain Bonneville, heslept in the lodge of the venerable patriarch, who had evidentlyconceived a most disinterested affection for him; as was shown onthe following morning. The travellers, invigorated by a goodsupper, and "fresh from the bath of repose," were about to resumetheir journey, when this affectionate old chief took the captainaside, to let him know how much he loved him. As a proof of hisregard, he had determined to give him a fine horse, which wouldgo further than words, and put his good will beyond all question.