In the hope of his recovery,and of resort to this third course being thereby rendered practicable,Mr. Lorry resolved to watch him attentively,with as little appearance as possible of doing so.He therefore made arrangements to absent himself from Tellson's for the first time in his life,and took his post by the window in the same room.
He was not long in discovering that it was worse than useless to speak to him,since,on being pressed,he became worried. Heabandoned that attempt on the first day,and resolved merely to keep himself always before him,as a silent protest against the delusion into which he had fallen,or was falling.He remained,therefore,in his seat near the window,reading and writing,and expressing in as many pleasant and natural ways as he could think of,that it was a free place.
Doctor Manette took what was given him to eat and drink,and worked on,that first day,until it was too dark to see—worked on,half an hour after Mr. Lorry could not have seen,for his life,to read or write.When he put his tools aside as useless,until morning,Mr.Lorry rose and said to him:
'Will you go out?'
He looked down at the floor on either side of him in the old manner,looked up in the old manner,and repeated in the old low voice:
'Yes;for a walk with me. Why not?'
He made no effort to say why not,and said not a word more. But,Mr.Lorry thought he saw,as he leaned forward on his bench in the dusk,with his elbows on his knees and his head in his hands,that he was in some misty way asking himself,'Why not?'The sagacity of the man of business perceived an advantage here,and determined to hold it.
Miss Pross and he divided the night into two watches,and observed him at intervals from the adjoining room. He paced up and down for a long time before he lay down;but,when he did finally lay himself down,he fell asleep.In the morning,he was up betimes,and went straight to his bench and to work.
On this second day,Mr. Lorry saluted him cheerfully by hisname,and spoke to him on topics that had been of late familiar to them.He returned no reply,but it was evident that he heard what was said,and that he thought about it,however confusedly.This encouraged Mr.Lorry to have Miss Pross in with her work,several times during the day;at those times they quietly spoke of Lucie,and of her father then present,precisely in the usual manner,and as if there were nothing amiss.This was done without any demonstrative accompaniment,not long enough,or often enough to harass him;and it lightened Mr.Lorry's friendly heart to believe that he looked up oftener,and that he appeared to be stirred by some perception of inconsistencies surrounding him.
When it fell dark again,Mr. Lorry asked him as before:
'Dear Doctor,will you go out?'
As before,he repeated,'Out?'
'Yes;for a walk with me. Why not?'
This time,Mr. Lorry feigned to go out when he could extract no answer from him,and,after remaining absent for an hour,returned.In the meanwhile,the Doctor had removed to the seat in the window,and had sat there looking down at the plane-tree;but on Mr.Lorry's return,he slipped away to his bench.
The time went very slowly on,and Mr. Lorry's hope darkened,and his heart grew heavier again,and grew yet heavier and heavier every day.The third day came and went,the fourth,the fifth.Five days,six days,seven days,eight days,nine days.
With a hope ever darkening,and with a heart always growing heavier and heavier,Mr. Lorry passed through this anxious time.The secret was well kept,and Lucie was unconscious and happy;but he could not fail to observe that the shoemaker,whose hands had been a little out at first,was growing dreadfully skilful,andthat he had never been so intent on his work,and that his hands had never been so nimble and expert,as in the dusk of the ninth evening.
W orn out by anxious watching,Mr. Lorry fell asleep at his post.On the tenth morning of his suspense,he was startled by the shining of the sun into the room where a slumber had overtaken him when it was dark night.
He rubbed his eyes and roused himself;but he doubted,when he had done so,whether he was not still asleep. For,going to the door of the Doctor's room and looking in,he perceived that the shoemaker's bench and tools were put aside again,and that the Doctor himself sat reading at the window.He was in his usual morning dress,and his face(which Mr.Lorry could distinctly see),though still very pale,was calmly studious and attentive.
Even when he had satisfied himself that he was awake,Mr. Lorry felt giddily uncertain for some few moments whether the late shoemaking might not be a disturbed dream of his own;for,did not his eyes show him his friend before him in his accustomed clothing and aspect,and employed as usual;and was there any sign within their range,that the change of which he had so strong an impression had actually happened?
It was but the inquiry of his first confusion and astonishment,the answer being obvious. If the impression were not produced by a real corresponding and sufficient cause,how came he,Jarvis Lorry,there?How came he to have fallen asleep,in his clothes,on the sofa in Dr.Manette's consulting-room,and to be debating these points outside the Doctor's bedroom door in the earlymorning.
Within a few minutes,Miss Pross stood whispering at his side. If he had had any particle of doubt left,her talk would of necessity have resolved it;but he was by that time clear-headed,and had none.He advised that they should let the time go by until regular breakfast-hour,and should then meet the Doctor as if nothing unusual had occurred.If he appeared to be in his customary state of mind,Mr.Lorry would then cautiously proceed to seek direction and guidance from the opinion he had been,in his anxiety,so anxious to obtain.