Quoth he''Twas the sun lately gave me the wede;From the rubicund hue of his setting it came.
So my garment and wine and the colour so clear Of my cheek are as flame upon flame upon flame.'
Then the boy doffed the red tunic and abode in the black;whereupon Abou Nuwas redoubled in attention to him and repeated the following verses:
He came in a tunic all sable of hue And shone outthus veiled in the darkto men's view.
'Thou passest,'quoth I'without greetingand thus Givest cause to exult to the rancorous crew.
Thy garment resembles thy locks and my lotYeablackness and blackness and blackness thereto.'
Then the chamberlain returned to Haroun er Reshid and acquainted him with the poet's predicamentwhereupon he bade him take a thousand dirhems and go and take him out of pawn. So he returned to Abou Nuwas and paying his scorecarried him to the Khalifwho said'Make me some verses containing the words'O Trusty One of Godwhat is to do?''I hear and obey,O Commander of the Faithful,'answered he and improvised the following verses:
My night was long for sleeplessness and care. Weary I was and many my thoughts were.
I rose and walked awhile in my own placeThen midst the harem's cloistered courts did fare,Until I chanced on somewhat black and found It was a damsel shrouded in her hair.
God bless her for a shining moon! Her shape A willow-wandand pudour veiled the fair.
I quaffed a cup to her;thendrawing nearI kissed the mole upon her cheek so rare.
She woke and swayed about in her amazeEven as the branch sways in the rain-fraught air;Then rose and said'O Trusty One of GodWhat is to doand thouwhat dost thou there?'
'A guest'quoth I'that sues to theeby nightFor shelter till the hour of morning-prayer.'
'Gladly,'she said;'with hearing and with sight To grace the guestmy lordI will not spare.'
'Confound thee!'cried the Khalif. 'It is as if thou hadst been present with us.'Then he took him by the hand and carried him to the damselwho was clad in a dress and veil of blue. When Abou Nuwas saw herhe was profuse in expressions of admiration and recited the following verses:
Say to the lovely maidi'the veil of azure dight'By Allah,O my lifehave pity on my plight!
For when the fair entreats her lover cruellySighs of all longing rend his bosom day and night.
Soby thy charms and by the whiteness of thy cheekHave ruth upon a heart for love consumed outright.
Incline to him and be his stay 'gainst stress of loveNor let what fools may say find favour in thy sight.'
Then the damsel set wine before the Khalif and taking the lute,played a lively measure and sang the following verses:
Wilt thou be just in thy love to others and deal with me Unjustly and put me awaywhile others have joy in thee?
Were there for lovers a judgeto whom I might complain Of theehe would do me justice and judge with equity.
If thou forbid me to pass thy dooryet from afar To greet thee and to blessat leastI shall be free.
The Khalif bade her ply Abou Nuwas with winetill he lost his wits;when he gave him a full cupand he drank a draught of it and held the cup in his hand. Er Reshid bade the girl take the cup from him and conceal it;so she took it and hid it between her thighs. Then he drew his sword and standing at the poet's headpricked him with the point;whereupon he awoke and saw the Khalif standing over himwith a drawn sword. At this sight the fumes of the wine fled from his head and the Khalif said to him'Make me some verses and tell me therein what is come of thy cup;or I will cut off thy head.'So he improvised the following verses:
My taleindeed is hard to tell: The thief was none but yon gazelle.
She stole my cup of winewhereof My lips had drunken but one spell,And hid it in a placefor which My heart's desire's unspeakable.
I name it notfor awe of himIn whom the right thereof doth dwell.
'Confound thee!'quoth the Khalif. 'How knewst thou that? But we accept what thou sayst.'Then he ordered him a dress of honour and a thousand dinarsand he went awayrejoicing.