Chapter 1
To Leon Werth
I ask children to forgive me for dedicating this book to a grown-up. I have a serious reason: this grown-up is the best friend I have in the world. I have another reason: this grown-up can understand everything, even books for children. I have a third reason: he lives in France where he is hungry and cold. He needs to be comforted. If all these reasons are not enough, then I want to dedicate the book to the child whom this grown-up once was. All grown-ups were children first. (Although few of them remember it.) So I correct my dedication:
To Leon Werth
When he was a little boy
Once when I was six years old I saw a magnificent picture in a book about the jungle
,called True Stories from Nature. It showed a boa constrictor
swallowing a wild beast. Here is a copy of the picture.

In the book it said: “Boa constrictors swallow their prey whole, without chewing. After that they are not able to move, and they sleep during the six months of their digestion. ”
In those days I thought a lot about jungle adventures, and eventually managed to make my first drawing, using a colored pencil. My drawing Number One looked like this:
I showed my masterpiece to the grown-ups, and I asked them if my drawing scared them.
They answered: “Why be scared of a hat?”

My drawing was not a picture of a hat. It was a picture of a boa constrictor digesting an elephant.But since the grown-ups were not able to understand it, I made another drawing: I drew the inside of the boa constrictor,so that the grown-ups could see it clearly. They always need explanations. My drawing Number Two looked like this:
The grown-ups advised me to put away my drawings of boa constrictors, outside or inside, and apply myself instead to geography, history, arithmetic and grammar. That is why I abandoned, at the age of six, a magnificent career as an artist. I had been discouraged by the failure of my drawing Number One and my drawing Number Two. Grown-ups never understand anything by themselves, and it is tiresome
for children to be always and forever explaining things to them.
So then I had to choose another career, and I learned to pilot airplanes. I have flown almost everywhere in the world. And, as a matter of fact, geography has been a big help to me. I could tell China from Arizona at first glance, which is very useful if you get lost during the night.
So I have had, in the course of my life, lots of encounterswith lots of serious people. I have lots of time with grown-ups. I have seen them at close range, which hasn't much improved my opinion of them.

Whenever I encountered a grown-up who seemed to me at all enlightened, I would experiment on him with my drawing Number One, which I have always kept. I wanted to see if he really understood anything. But he would always answer, “That is a hat.” Then I would never talk to that person about boa constrictors or jungles or stars. I would put myself on his level and talk about bridge and golf and politics and neckties. And my grown-up was glad to know such a reasonable person.

1. The grown-ups advised me to put away my drawings of boa constrictors, outside or inside, and apply myself instead to geography, history, arithmetic and grammar.
*介词短语作插入语;apply oneself to…致力于……
2. I could tell China from Arizona at first glance, which is very useful if you get lost during the night.
*which引导的是非限定性定语从句,用逗号与主句隔开,修饰整个主句;tell在本句中表示“确切地判断”;at first glance,(只)一眼,表示这个意思更常用at a (single) glance。
3. Whenever I encountered a grown-up who seemed to me at all enlightened, I would experiment on him with my drawing Number One, which I have always kept.
*这是一个时间状语从句,从句和主句又各自嵌套一个定语从句;experiment on sb; experiment with sth进行试验。
4. I would put myself on his level and talk about bridge and golf and politics and neckties.
*put myself on his level;用bridge、golf、politics和neckties指代成人之间空洞无聊的话题。
1. 每人大人都曾经是孩子(然而,记得这事儿的没几个)。
2. 一顶帽子有什么可怕的?
3. 就这样,在六岁那年,我放弃了当画家这一美好职业的心愿。
4. 这些大人们自己什么也弄不懂,老要孩子们一遍一遍地给他们解释,真烦人。
5. 我在大人们中间生活过很长时间。我仔细地观察过他们,但这并没有改变多少我对他们的看法。