第8章 青春不散场 (7)
“You know, Joe,” she said, “I’ve always wanted to tell you... how... you know... how sorry I am for the way I treated you.” I squirmed. One does not like to remember when one has been unceremoniously dumped.
“It’s OK,” I said. “No big deal.” At least, I thought to myself, not now. “But I was such a jerk,” she continued. Yes you were, I thought. “We were both pretty young,” I said.
“I know,” she said.“But that’s no excuse for...” She hesitated, then continued. “It’s just always bothered me, remembering how mean I was to you. And I’ve wanted to tell you that I’m sorry. So... I’m sorry.” The smile on her face was warm and sincere. And there was something in her eyes—it looked a lot like relief—that melted any vestiges of icy resentment that may have built up within me during the years since she had slam-dunked my heart.
“OK,” I said. “Apology accepted!” Overcome by the sweetness of the moment, I reached an arm around her and gave her a quick hug. Just then, the crowd erupted with a huge cheer, and Marci and I both returned our attention to the game. By the time I looked over to where she had been, she was gone. But the warm, wonderful feeling of our brief exchange was still there, and continues to this day whenever I think about it.
We all carry bitter, discomforting memories of deeds done or undone, and words said or unsaid. And we all bear wounds—some slight, some not-so-slight—that have been inflicted upon us by others. The healing balm of forgiveness can soothe a troubled conscience and bring peace to an injured soul—even years after the fact.
Of course, it isn’t enough to just say “I’m sorry” and “You’re forgiven.” While there is indeed great power in those simple words, it is not available to those who are insincere, or who are only looking for a way to control, manipulate or exploit. But when those words are truly felt and sincerely expressed, they can open the door to miracles of the heart and soul—miracles of forgiveness.
我答道:“我很好,不用把它放在心上。”至少我现在是这样认为的。“但是,我曾经那么傻。”她继续说。我心想,你确实是。 “那时我们都太年轻。”我说。
“我知道,”她说,“但那不是理由……”她犹豫了一下,又接着说,“一想起那样对你,愧疚感就折磨着我。我想跟你说‘很抱歉’ ,所以……对不起。”她脸上的微笑温暖而真诚。她的眼中好像有什么东西——很像是解脱——融化了我心中所有的怨恨,这些怨恨是在她伤我心后的这些年里积累起来的。
1. We____a few minutes catching up on the business of our lives—kids and____ , spouses and houses, education and recreation (it’s always a little disconcerting to see how____ words are required to summarize 25 years of_____ ).
2. Overcome by the sweetness of the_____, I reached an_____ around her and gave her a quick_____. Just then, the crowd erupted with a huge cheer, and Marci and I both_______our attention to the game.
1. 她脸上的微笑温暖而真诚。她的眼中好像有什么东西——很像是解脱——融化了我心中所有的怨恨。
2. 宽恕这剂良药可以减轻良心的谴责,可以安慰受伤的心灵,即使事隔多年,疗效依然明显。
3. 当然,只说“对不起”和“原谅你”是不够的。
1. So bumping into her at the basketball game was, at the very least, fortuitous.
bump into:无意中遇到、碰到
2. ...looking out over the crowd milling about the concession area.
mill about:(人群)漫无目的地乱转
Friends Forever
佚名 / Anonymous
Losing someone who cannot be replaced by anyone else is harder than losing millions of dollars. I have been deep affected by my experiences learning to overcome all of the emotional disturbances, finding that there are things that cannot be forgotten, and gaining knowledge about the uniqueness of the friendship. When my best friend told me that he had lung cancer, my life changed completely. I knew I was going to lose him, but I didn’t know it would be so hard to overcome the feelings that he left me with.
We were friends, not just regular friends, but we were best friends, which explains everything. We would do everything together, such as playing soccer, playing piano and guitar, walking on the street and acting crazy, running away from home and hiding somewhere, ditching school and throwing a party on Monday.
We had the best time together, but unfortunately life took all that from me. Sometimes I ask myself why it had to be him, my best friend, a person who trusted with everything, a person who knew what to do to make me happy, a person who was the best part of my life. He would give everything in order to strengthen our friendship. He was a friend who will always be in my heart.
It was the night of April 14, 1999. I will never forget that day. He came to me showered in tears. He looked very sad. “What’s going on, why are you so depressed?” I asked.
“I’m, I’m going, and I’m going to...” he said slowly.