更新时间:2023-06-20 18:20:14
1 糟糕的家庭作业 The awful homework
2 让人着迷的书 A fascinating book
3 出故障的车 The broken-down car
4 会走路的箱子 The suitcase could be able to walk!
5 孩子打架,家长争执 The kids are fighting and the parents are quarreling
6 哇!海豹和一个人很像 Wow!The seal looks like someone.
7 神枪手 A sharp shooter
8 巧妙的生发术 A wonderful hair regrowth method
9 图画的局限 The shortcoming of the picture.
10 锻炼成名手 Take exercise to be a famous player
11 家中游艺演出 An amusement show in the home
12 哄儿入睡 The dad lulls the son to sleep
13 好榜样 A good example
14 前长后短的发型 The strange hairstyle
15 忘加葡萄干的蛋糕 The cake without raisins in it
16 离家出走的儿子 The son runs away from home
17 为了安慰儿子,宁愿当马 In order to comfort the son the dad would rather to act like a horse
18 报复 The son’s revenge
19 小兔子送来的彩蛋 The Easter eggs are sent by the Easter bunny
20 挑战失败 The son fails to challenge his dad
21 四张儿童票 Four children tickets
22 补看球赛 Repeat the football match
23 鱼儿来信 A letter from the fish
24 顺利解决 A good solution
25 实用的发明 A practical invention
26 一年之后 A year later
27 玩耍时不准来打搅 Game in progress and don’ t disturb
28 本性难移,无药可救 It is hard to change one’s nature
29 生日的惊喜 A birthday surprise
30 足够了 The stones are enough
31 输了的爸爸 The dad losts the chess game
32 指责也该有限度 There is a limit to the rebuke
33 瞧这两对父子 look these two pairs of dad and son
34 夕阳西下图 The sunset picture
35 失败的音乐会 The unsuccessful concert
36 假梦游病患者 A pretended sleepwalker
37 吓人的胡子 The frightening mustache
38 可疑的螺旋状 The questionable spiraled shape
39 再来一次,这太有意思了 One more time this is so funny
40 足球 The football
41 梦与现实 The dream and the reality
42 帮忙得到的教训 The kind-hearted doesn’t receive good blessings
43 人靠衣装 Clothes make the man
44 按照秩序来 Things should be taken up in order of priority
45 儿子救火 The son is fighting the fire
46 艺术的魅力 The charm of the art
47 战争不择手段 All is fair in war
48 最后一个苹果 The last apple
49 倔犟的马 The refractory horse
50 爸爸的签名 The dad’s signature
51没骗人,我真的钓了条大鱼 I didn’t lie and I do catch a big fish
52 制作圣诞礼物的秘密 The secret of making the Christmas gift
53 圣诞礼物 A Christmas gift
54 除夕新事 The Eve morning
55 有个好结局 All is well that ends well
56 奉献点儿面包 Give some bread to the birds
57 聪明的马 The clever horse
58 狗儿也不吃 Even the dog doesn’t want it
59 击中要害 Hit the right nail on the head
60 鬼怪 A ghost
61 爆竹雪茄 A firecracker cigar
62 假面舞会的化装 A masked ball
63 喂天鹅 Fed the swan
64 带锚的帽子 The hat with an anchor
65 白套近乎 A futile attempt
66 儿子,你上当了 Son you have fallen into the trap
67 让复活节兔子吃惊 An astonishment for the Easter bunny
68 假扮儿童 Pretended to be a child
69 父爱 The father ’ s love
70 这下长得不像了 Now they are looking different
71 看你还怎么偷吃 Now let’s see how you will steal the peas.
72 叼回铅弹 Picked up the plumb
73 蘑菇 Mushroom
74 遇见美人鱼 Meet the mermaid
75 管教晚矣 It is too late to discipline
76 有办法驯马 They know how to tame the horse
77 假期第一天 The first day of the vacation
78 全部输光 They lost all buttons
79 放生 Set the fish free
80 我要歌德的书 I want Goethe ’ s book
81 听医生的话 Follow the doctor ’ s advice
82 铅球运动员 The shot putter
83 意外的冠军 An unexpected champion
84 有些动物是不能同情的 You shouldn ’ t sympathize all animals
85 逃学 Play hooky
86 不可救药 Hopeless
87 儿子的礼物 The son ’ s gift
88 新镜子 The new mirror
89 忍无可忍 Driven beyond endurance
90 吃力不讨好 A thankless act
91 图钉妙用 The marvelous function of the nail
92 想当爸爸并不难 It is not difficult to be a dad
93 吸引人的书 An attractive book
94 以智取胜 Cleverness is better than force
95 木偶戏 The puppet show
96 拍电影的兔子 The rabbits are shooting a film
97 家教 Family education