更新时间:2022-10-27 17:40:27
1 紧急救援 Emergency Rescue
2 避之不及 Just in Time
3 自主裁判 Serious Referee
4 学以致用 Learning for Practice
5 谁是漫画迷 Who is Comic Fan?
6 家有恶犬 Dog Inside
7 如此指路 Go from Here
8 善良的亨利 Kind Henry
9 小心为妙 Be Careful
10 偶然英雄 Be a Hero by Chance
11 噪音威胁 Noise Threat
12 积极举手 Raise Hand Actively
13 溜之大吉 Slip away
14 自食恶果 Ask for Pain
15 重要通知 Important Notice
16 降温妙方 Recipe for Cooling
17 机械洒水 Mechanical Watering
18 捡便宜 Bargain
19 热心的亨利 Warm-hearted Henry
20 这个适合你 This Suits You
21 垂钓失败 Unsuccessful Fishing
22 疏忽 Careless Mistake
23 减肥成功 Weight Loss Success
24 内胎 Tube
25 进出有道 In and Out
26 事实如此 Such is the Fact
27 这样最安全 The Safest Way
28 “讨厌”的代名词 Synonym for Hate
29 缺乏安全感 Lack of Security
30 还是专业的行 Professional lines
31 赶时间 In a Hurry
32 强壮的好处 Nice to be Strong
33 最诱人的香味 The most tempting smell
34 避暑胜地 Summer Resort
35 不许在屋里吹泡泡 Don’t blow bubbles in the house
36 自豪的真相 Truth behind Pride
37 龟领毛衣 Turtle Neck Sweater
38 接受现实 Accept the Reality
39 装备齐全 Well-equipped
40 随机应变 Change Quickly
41 猫本无心 Cat is not on purpose
42 一起来玩泡泡糖 Play with Bubble gum Together
43 夏天的雪人 Snowman in Summer
44 最好的方法 The Best Way
45 现学招牌 Learn to make signs off hand
46 逗你玩 Tease you
47 预算不够 Money is not enough
48 口渴的诱因 Cause of Thirst
49 证据现身 Evidence shows up
50 冷气汽车 Air conditioned Auto
51 资源再利用 Recycling
52 那就不客气了 Then I will have it myself
53 避雨 Take shelter from the rain
54 现实总是残酷的 Reality is always cruel
55 飞机故障 Airplane Fault
56 不堪重负 Overburdened
57 粗心的亨利 Careless Henry
58 好办法 Good Method
59 技术不过关 Skill to be Improved
60 快速干衣法 Rapid Drying Method
61 倒霉的亨利 Hapless Henry
62 给小鸟一个家 A Home for a Bird
63 谁不听话 Who isn’t obedient?
64 拔牙妙招 Good way in tooth extraction
65 早有准备 Well Prepared
66 都是懒虫 Both are lazybones
67 报复 Revenge
68 都是漫画迷 All are comic book fans
69 时机正好 Right Timing
70 喧哗与沉默 Sound and Silence
71 休息一会儿 Have a rest
72 卧铺需要安静 Keep quiet in the sleeper
73 偶然盛开的花 Flower produced out of sudden
74 一样的道理 The Same Way
75 误伤 Accident Injury
76 选景 Choose the Scene
77 瞌睡很重 Heavy Sleeper
78 形影不离的鸟 Inseparable Birds
79 最重要的是够量 Enough quantity is above all
80 挠痒痒 Tickle
81 说坏话的代价 Cost of Badmouth
82 不会客气 Impolite
83 有魔力的桶 A Magic Bucket
84 难挡诱惑 Hard to Resist Temptation
85 如此联想 Such Association
86 研究好脑子 Study Good Brain
87 自作多情 Self-assertion
88 射击教练 Shooting Coach
89 恐惧后遗症 Fear Sequela
90 特殊介绍 Special Introduction
91 调皮的亨利 Naughty Henry
92 戴眼镜 Wear Glasses
93 有歧义 Ambiguous
94 特别急救 Special Emergency
95 不同待遇 Different Treatment
96 生财有道 Money-making Way
97 囚徒 Prisoner