更新时间:2022-01-06 10:52:16
Chapter 1 精彩不断的异域风情 The Best of the Exotic
■诺丁山狂欢节 Notting Hill Carnival
■国际亲吻日:今天你亲吻了吗 National Kissing Day
■历史上第一个感恩节 The Historical First Thanksgiving Day
■英国猎狐活动 Fox Hunting
■圣诞节 Christmas Day
■盖伊·福克斯之夜 Guy Fawkes’Night
■情人节缘何而来 Why We Have the Valentine’s Day
■母亲节的历史 History of Mother’sDay
■复活节的象征:复活节兔 Rabbits: The Symbol of Easter
■世界各地的父亲节 Different Father’s Day
■十条知识为万圣节扫盲 Wipe out Illiteracy About Halloween
■历史上十大经典愚人节玩笑 The Classical Jokes on April Fool’s Day
Chapter 2 妙趣横生的舌尖美味 Interesting Stories of Gourmets
■冰淇淋的历史 Ice Cream’s History
■悠然闲适尽在下午茶 Afternoon Tea
■生日蛋糕上为什么要点蜡烛 Why Need to Light Candles on Birthday Cake
■酒文化 Wine Culture
■世界上最受欢迎的水果 The Most Popular Fruit in the World
■为什么甜甜圈中间有个洞 Why Do Doughnuts Have Holes
■咖啡文化 Coffee Culture
■情人节为什么要送巧克力 Why Should We Send Valentine’s Day Chocolate
■万圣节好吃又健康的零食 Delicious and Healthy Foodon Halloween
■美国人三餐面面观 American Food and Drinks
Chapter 3 千奇百怪的文化猎奇 An Infinite Variety of Culture
■手指文化 Fingers
■你知道搞笑诺贝尔奖吗 Do You Knowthe Ig Nobel Prizes
■为什么西方认为“13”不吉利 Why “13” Is Unlucky in Western
■祝你摔断腿 Break a Leg
■千奇百怪的迎新年风俗 Quirky Traditions That Mark NewYear
■撒盐 Spilling Salt
■屋内打伞 Opening an Umbrella Indoors
■世界上五个古怪的节日 Whacky Festivals in the World
■美国十大匪夷所思的现象 Ten Unthinkable Phenomena in America
■【阅读课堂】 你所不知道的英语典故 English Allusions That You Don’t Know
Chapter 4 心驰神往的迷人景致 Appealing Regional Landscapes
■香波城堡 The Chateau of Chambord
■加勒比海岸上的玛雅人古迹 The Maya Traces in Caribbean
■在它们消失之前要记住的地方 Places to Remember Before They Disappear
■法国最长的河流 The Longest River in France
■不为人们熟知的世界十大古都 The Unfamiliar Ancient Capital in the World
■举足轻重的世界十大袖珍国 Tiny Countries That Pack a Big Punch
■十大令人叹为观止的瀑布 The Breathtaking Falls in the World
■全球最酷的七大图书馆 The Seven Coolest Libraries on the Global
■全球十五大迷人城堡 Amazing Castles Around the Globe
■世界上最漂亮的国家公园 World’s Top 12 National Parks
■【阅读课堂】 与地名有关的俚语 Slang Related to Place Names
Chapter 5 不可不知的风俗习惯 Customs You Can’t Neglect
■星期五的鱼 Fish on Friday
■英美小费大不同 The Differences ofTips Between UKand US
■摘帽礼 Tipping One’s Hat
■西方的百年婚礼 The Wedding Traditions of Western
■眉目传情 The Boy and Girl Glance
■你不知道的世界各国习俗 Unusual International Customs You Never Knew
■美国的流行文化 Pop Culture
■各式各样的新年前夜 New Year’s Eve
■十条不可不知的西方餐桌礼仪 Western Table Manners
■世界各地换牙习俗 Customs of Dental Transition Around the World
■【阅读课堂】 美国人的时间观念 Time in Americans’Eyes
Chapter 6 绚烂盛放的别处生活 Splendid Beauties of Lives
■美国梦 What Is the American Dream
■像爱尔兰人一样去结婚 Get Married Like Irish People
■美国学生的长假 Why American Students Get a Long Vacation
■写情书的艺术 The Art of Love Letters
■美国人的音乐爱好 American’s Love of Music
■八位文学巨匠的临终遗言 Literary Last Words
■冬日漫步 AWinter Walk
■西雅图的雨 Rain of Seattle
■魅力月升 Spell of the Rising Moon
■在海边静静漫步 At the Edge of the Sea
■闪耀巴黎 Spotlight on Paris