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CryENGINE Game Programming with C++ C# and Lua
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Chapter 1. Introduction and Setup
Installing Visual Studio Express 2012
Choosing your CryENGINE installation type
Downloading the book's CryENGINE sample installation
Using a custom or newer CryENGINE installation
Registering your CryDev account
Running the sample application
Compiling the CryGame project (C++)
The CryENGINE folder structure
Chapter 2. Visual Scripting with Flowgraph
Concept of flowgraphs
Opening the Flowgraph Editor
A tour of the Flowgraph Editor
Creating a flowgraph
The stock flownode overview
Flowgraph modules
Custom flownodes
Creating a custom node in C++
Creating a custom node in C#
Chapter 3. Creating and Utilizing Custom Entities
Introducing the entity system
Creating a custom entity
Entity flownodes
Game objects
Chapter 4. Game Rules
Introduction to game rules
Implementing the game rules interface
Creating a basic game mode in C#
Chapter 5. Creating Custom Actors
Introducing the actor system
Creating custom actors
Camera handling
Player inputs
Animated characters
The Mannequin animation system
Chapter 6. Artificial Intelligence
The Artificial Intelligence (AI) system
Creating custom AI
AI base definition breakdown
Chapter 7. The User Interface
Flash movie clips and UI graphs
Creating a main menu
Engine ActionScript callbacks
Creating UI game event systems
Chapter 8. Multiplayer and Networking
The networking system
Setting up a multiplayer game
Networking using game object extensions
Exposing Lua entities to the network
Chapter 9. Physics Programming
Physical entity actions parameters and status
Physicalized entity type details
Wheeled vehicle
Ray world intersections
Creating a physicalized entity
Simulating explosions
Chapter 10. Rendering Programming
The renderer details
Render nodes
Rendering breakdown
Rendering new viewports using render contexts
Manipulating static objects at runtime
Modifying materials at runtime
Chapter 11. Effects and Sound
Introducing effects
Creating and triggering material effects