更新时间:2021-07-16 12:28:44
IBM Worklight Mobile Application Development Essentials
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Chapter 1. Getting Started with IBM Worklight
The IBM Worklight solution
Worklight capabilities and supported platforms
Components of Worklight
Chapter 2. Installing Worklight
Installing IBM Worklight Consumer Edition
Installing Android SDK
Chapter 3. Creating a Basic Worklight Application
Creating a simple IBM Worklight application
Worklight project and application structure
Rich Page Editor
Application skins
Previewing an application in the mobile simulator
Chapter 4. Customizing the Worklight Application
A quick overview of HTML5
The IBM Worklight client-side API
Exploring Dojo Mobile
Designing your first Dojo application
Adding an environment in IBM Worklight
Exploring the Android application environment
Chapter 5. Adding an Adapter
IBM Worklight Adapter concept
Chapter 6. Authentication and Security
Worklight security principles concepts and terminologies
Examining generated realms security test and login modules
Creating adapter-based authentication
Form-based authentication
Custom authentication
Chapter 7. Advanced Features of IBM Worklight
Push notification
WL client API
Cordova plugins
Encrypted Offline Cache
Storage JSONStore