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Mastering Metasploit
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Chapter 1. Approaching a Penetration Test Using Metasploit
Setting up the environment
Mounting the environment
Conducting a penetration test with Metasploit
The dominance of Metasploit
Chapter 2. Reinventing Metasploit
Ruby – the heart of Metasploit
Developing custom modules
Breakthrough meterpreter scripting
Working with RailGun
Chapter 3. The Exploit Formulation Process
The elemental assembly primer
The joy of fuzzing
Building up the exploit base
Finalizing the exploit
The fundamentals of a structured exception handler
Chapter 4. Porting Exploits
Porting a Perl-based exploit
Porting a Python-based exploit
Porting a web-based exploit
Chapter 5. Offstage Access to Testing Services
The fundamentals of SCADA
SCADA torn apart
Securing SCADA
Database exploitation
VOIP exploitation
Post-exploitation on Apple iDevices
Chapter 6. Virtual Test Grounds and Staging
Performing a white box penetration test
Generating manual reports
Performing a black box penetration test
Chapter 7. Sophisticated Client-side Attacks
Exploiting browsers
File format-based exploitation
Compromising XAMPP servers
Compromising the clients of a website
Bypassing AV detections
Conjunction with DNS spoofing
Attacking Linux with malicious packages
Chapter 8. The Social Engineering Toolkit
Explaining the fundamentals of the social engineering toolkit
Attacking with SET
Providing additional features and further readings
Chapter 9. Speeding Up Penetration Testing
Introducing automated tools
Fast Track MS SQL attack vectors
Automated exploitation in Metasploit
Fake updates with the DNS-spoofing attack
Chapter 10. Visualizing with Armitage
The fundamentals of Armitage
Scanning networks and host management
Exploitation with Armitage
Post-exploitation with Armitage
Attacking on the client side with Armitage
Scripting Armitage
Further reading