更新时间:2021-08-05 18:02:10
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Chapter 1. Hello BPEL
Introduction to BPEL
Installing Oracle JDeveloper and SOA Suite
Time for action – installing the JDK and setting environment
Time for action – installing JDeveloper and SOA Suite
Time for action – creating a default domain
Developing our first BPEL process
Time for action – creating the SOA composite application
Time for action – creating XML Schema for the BPEL process
Time for action – modifying WSDL
Time for action – implementing the BPEL process
Deploying the first BPEL process
Time for action – deploying the BPEL process
Testing our first BPEL process
Time for action – testing the BPEL process
Understanding the BPEL language
The BPEL structure
Bookstore BPEL process with branches
Time for action – more sophisticated BPEL process
Time for action – deploying and testing the second BPEL process
Chapter 2. Service Invocation
Service invocation and orchestration
Developing the book warehousing process
Time for action – creating the book warehousing process
Time for action – developing the book warehousing process
Understanding sequential invocation
Understanding partner links
Parallel service invocation
Time for action – developing parallel flows
Understanding a parallel flow
Chapter 3. Variables Data Manipulation and Expressions
Variables in BPEL
Variables in BookWarehousingBPEL
Time for action – review of existing variables
Time for action – creating XML type variables
Time for action – creating XML element variables
Time for action – creating a message type variable
Data manipulation and assignments
Time for action – copying variables
Time for action – copying variable parts
Manipulating data for external partner links
Time for action – creating the AnotherBookstoreBPEL process
Time for action – extending the BookWarehousing process
Validating variables
Time for action – validating variables
The XSLT transformations
Time for action – using XSLT transformations
Chapter 4. Conditions and Loops
Time for action – selecting the bookstore with the lowest quantity
Time for action – implementing VintageBookstore
Time for action – selecting VintageBookstore
Adding loops to our example
Time for action – adding the BookOrderManagement process
Time for action – adding the <while> loop
Time for action – the <forEach> loop
Executing <forEach> in parallel
Time for action – executing <forEach> in parallel
Time for action – adding <wait>
Ending a process
Empty activities
Chapter 5. Interaction Patterns in BPEL
Understanding asynchronous invocations
Time for action – implementing an asynchronous invocation
Understanding asynchronous service invocations
Time for action – creating an asynchronous BPEL process
Chapter 6. Fault Handling and Signaling
Introducing faults and fault handlers
Time for action – adding fault handlers
Modeling execution errors with WS-BPEL 2.0 standard faults
Modeling logical (explicit) errors with the <throw> activity
Modeling errors propagated from external web services
Understanding fault handlers and signaling
WSDL faults
Handling faults
In-line fault handling
Time for action – signaling faults