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Mastering Elasticsearch Second Edition
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Chapter 1. Introduction to Elasticsearch
Introducing Apache Lucene
Introducing Elasticsearch
The story
Chapter 2. Power User Query DSL
Default Apache Lucene scoring explained
Query rewrite explained
Query templates
Handling filters and why it matters
Choosing the right query for the job
Chapter 3. Not Only Full Text Search
Query rescoring
Controlling multimatching
Significant terms aggregation
Documents grouping
Relations between documents
Scripting changes between Elasticsearch versions
Chapter 4. Improving the User Search Experience
Correcting user spelling mistakes
Improving the query relevance
Chapter 5. The Index Distribution Architecture
Choosing the right amount of shards and replicas
Routing explained
Altering the default shard allocation behavior
Query execution preference
Chapter 6. Low-level Index Control
Altering Apache Lucene scoring
Choosing the right directory implementation – the store module
NRT flush refresh and transaction log
Segment merging under control
When it is too much for I/O – throttling explained
Understanding Elasticsearch caching
Chapter 7. Elasticsearch Administration
Discovery and recovery modules
The human-friendly status API – using the Cat API
Backing up
Federated search
Chapter 8. Improving Performance
Using doc values to optimize your queries
Knowing about garbage collector
Benchmarking queries
Very hot threads
Scaling Elasticsearch
Chapter 9. Developing Elasticsearch Plugins
Creating the Apache Maven project structure
Understanding the basics
Creating custom REST action
Creating the custom analysis plugin