更新时间:2021-07-16 12:46:02
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About the Reviewer
Chapter 1. Welcome to the World of Swift
The first look at Swift
Chapter 2. Building a Guess the Number App
The app is…
Chapter 3. A Memory Game in Swift
Building the skeleton of the app
The menu screen
The game screen
Connecting the dataSource and the delegate
Implementing a deck of cards
Finishing the game
Chapter 4. A TodoList App in Swift
Building a skeleton app
Building the Todos screen
Adding a Todo task
Chapter 5. A Pretty Weather App
Building the skeleton
Implementing the UI
Completing the UI
Blurring the background
Downloading the background image
Geolocalising the app
Retrieving the actual forecast
Connecting to the server
Where do we go from here?
Chapter 6. Flappy Swift
A stage for a bird
A flying bird
Making the components interact
Completing the game
Chapter 7. Polishing Flappy Swift
Adding juiciness
Integrating with Game Center
Chapter 8. Cube Runner
Introduction to SceneKit
Implementing Cube Runner
Flying in a 3D world
Adding a few touches
Chapter 9. Completing Cube Runner
Creating a real game
Chapter 10. ASAP – an E-commerce App in Swift
The skeleton app and register screen
The ASAP e-commerce store
The ASAP cart
Chapter 11. ASAPServer a Server in Swift
The interface of the ASAP Server
One skeleton server for two OSes
The ASAPServer
Connecting the ASAP app