更新时间:2021-04-09 22:32:14
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Chapter 1. Delving into the World of Security
The secure installation of Moodle
Quickly securing Moodle
Chapter 2. Securing Your Server Linux
Apache configuration
MySQL configuration
PHP configuration
File security permissions
Adequate location for a Moodle installation
How to secure Moodle files
Chapter 3. Securing Your Server—Windows
Installing and securing PHP under Internet Information Server
Securing MySQL
Chapter 4. Authentication
Common authentication attacks
Authentication types in Moodle
Chapter 5. Roles and Permissions
Standard Moodle roles
Customizing roles
Best practices
Chapter 6. Protection Against Bots
Protecting Moodle from unwanted search bots
Protection against spam bots
Protection against brute force attacks
Chapter 7. Securing User Files
Dangers and pitfalls
Anti-virus and Moodle
Chapter 8. Securing Moodle Data
Course information protection
Chapter 9. Monitoring User Activity
Activity monitoring using OS native tools
Chapter 10. Backup
Backup tools in Moodle
Site backup
Disaster recovery scenario
Appendix A. Authentication Plugins