更新时间:2021-04-02 20:34:14
Libgdx Cross-platform Game Development Cookbook
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Chapter 1. Diving into Libgdx
Setting up a cross-platform development environment
Creating a cross-platform project
Understanding the project structure and application life cycle
Updating and managing project dependencies
Using source control on a Libgdx project with Git
Importing and running the Libgdx official demos
Chapter 2. Working with 2D Graphics
Texture rendering with SpriteBatch
More effective rendering with regions and atlases
Taking advantage of Libgdx sprites
Rendering sprite-sheet-based animations
Understanding orthographic cameras
Using ShapeRenderer for debug graphics
Handling multiple screen sizes with viewports
Chapter 3. Advanced 2D Graphics
Achieving juicy effects with particles
Frame buffers and image composition
Welcome to the world of shaders
Passing parameters into shader programs
2D depth of field shader
Embedding a Libgdx window into a Java desktop application
Chapter 4. Detecting User Input
Detecting user input via event polling
Detecting user input via event listening
Managing multiple listeners at once
Detecting more complex gestures
Introducing the controllers API
Input mapping for cross-platform development
Chapter 5. Audio and File I/O
Playing short sound effects
Audio streaming for background music
Optimizing audio files to reduce download sizes
Procedural audio generators
Engine sounds with dynamic audio
The 2D space sound system
The first approach to file handling in Libgdx
Using preferences to store game states and options
The XML parsing primer
JSON serialization and deserialization
Chapter 6. Font Rendering
Generating and rendering bitmap fonts
Baking effects into fonts using Hiero
Scaling friendly font rendering with distance fields
Dynamic font effects using distance fields
Chapter 7. Asset Management
Getting to know AssetManager
Asynchronous asset loading
Creating custom asset loaders
Managing groups of assets for bigger games
Chapter 8. User Interfaces with Scene2D
Introducing the Scene2D API
Widget collection overview
Creating a basic menu screen using tables
Skin customization
Creating new widgets
Chapter 9. The 2D Maps API
Creating maps with Tiled and loading them into Libgdx
Adding and querying map metadata
Developing your own map loaders and renderers
Chapter 10. Rigid Body Physics with Box2D
Introducing Box2D
Introducing more complex shapes
Introducing joints
Real-life joints example – bike simulator
Reacting to collisions
Sensors and collision filtering
Querying the world
Building a physics world from level data
Implementing a deferred raycaster
The fixed timestep approach
Chapter 11. Third-party Libraries and Extras
Making libraries compatible with GWT
Managing platform-specific code
Smooth animations with Universal Tween Engine